Chapter 13

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There will be some minor cursing in this.

Percy crumples to the floor and mumbles, "Shit, that hurt more than usual." The hunters of Artemis walk in looking somewhat annoyed that they had to come back again. Thalia rushes up to Percy as he's getting up and slaps him, her hand charged with electricity. He falls to the ground again. Before she could hit him again she is stopped by Zoe.

Thalia looks pissed at first until she sees Zoe's face. "Zoe?" Thalia asked with uncertainty. "Yes, it's me Thalia." She rushes to embrace her, "How are you here? Artemis told me you were thrown into Tartarus years ago for being a demititan. I still have not forgiven my father for that." Zoe smiles and unwraps herself from the daughter of Zeus.

Zoe, her eyes reflecting the weight of the centuries she had endured, spoke with a hint of nostalgia, "Percy helped me get out. I would still be rotting down there is he hadn't helped me. Since then we have lived in solitude in the forest."

Thalia then turned to Percy, " So that is where you were?" She asked and he nodded. She embraced him, apologizing for the slap rather sheepishly, then helps him up.

Thalia, still processing the unexpected reunion, looked around at the trio of Percy, Zoe, and Aria, the sea-green-eyed family standing together. "So, who's the little one?" Thalia asked, gesturing toward Aria.

Zoe's gaze softened as she placed a protective hand on Aria's shoulder. "This is Aria, our daughter. Born of the union between Percy and me. She's fully immortal along with us."

Thalia's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "You have any more mystery kids?" she remarked, looking at Percy with an intrigued expression.

Percy chuckled. "Nope only her. That is completely Zoe's decision. On an unrelated topic, I'm guessing you're here for a reason. That slap had a bit more spark than usual."

Thalia, her expression shifting from curiosity to a more serious demeanor, nodded. "Artemis received a vision. I don't know why or how but something stirring in the world, something powerful and dangerous. Something unnatural even by our standards. She said it concerns all of us."

Zoe, her instincts as the Lieutenant of Artemis kicking in, exchanged a glance with Percy. "We've sensed the ripples of unrest too. Our haven is no stranger to the threats that linger beyond its borders."

Aria, though aware of the seriousness of the situation, couldn't help but be intrigued by the hunters and their connection to her mother. "You're like Mom, right?" she asked Thalia, her sea-green eyes filled with curiosity.

Thalia, ruffling Aria's hair now silky brown hair, managed a small smile. "Yeah, something like that. We're warriors, bound to Artemis's service. We hunt monsters and protect the sacred places of the gods."

Percy, absorbing the gravity of the situation, spoke, "If Artemis called for our aid, it means the threat is significant. Yet we've faced our fair share of challenges, and we're not ones to shy away from a fight."

Zoe, always pragmatic, added, "But we'll need more information. What exactly did Artemis see, Thalia?"

Thalia, her expression becoming more solemn, recounted the details of Artemis's vision. An ancient force awakening, a convergence of powers, and a prophecy that hinted at a destiny entwined with immortal family. As the narrative unfolded, the weight of the impending challenge hung in the air.

Percy, his demeanor reflecting a mix of determination and concern, spoke, "We can't ignore this. Aria, the hunters and our family need to stand together against whatever's coming. You will be there too. Your mother and I have trained you for years, it's time to really use it."

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