Chapter 1

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"You wanna dance baby?" I hear a dark voice whisper in my ear. The beats were really hitting more than they should right now as I feel a pair of hands snake around my waist, moving my body to the music. I go with it and dance with the man I hadn't seen yet, feeling the alcohol run through my veins. It was a feeling that I have grown to know quite well, I wasn't always like this, I used to be a good girl like my sister, until that one night. But I won't spoil the fun by thinking about that right now.
"How'd you find out about this?" The man asks and turns me around to face him.
"A little birdy told me that there'd be an event that was worth going to." I say and smile. He nods and twirls me around. As we laugh I hear my name and feel a tug.
"Quick y/n! We gotta go, now!"
"Hey!" I hear from behind my friend and see a bouncer running toward us.
"Oh crap." I say and we take off running, giggling like two little school girls. We finally made it out of the club and run down the street till we loose the bouncer in the crowd.
"Oh my god! Sorry to pull you away from that guy you were dancing with. He was a total snack man, did you see him? He had that whole mafia vibe going on!" I hear her saying as I feel my phone vibrate from my pocket.
"Hold on Nadia." I say and answer the phone.
"Y/nn speaking!" I saw sweetly and look at my friend whose smiling at me.
"Y/n, I need you to come home right now." I hear on the other side and raise an eyebrow.
"Uncle Richard?" I ask and I get a grunt in response. "What's going on?"
"It's Lucy and your parents."
"Are they okay?" I ask my voice laced with concern.
"Just come home y/n." My uncle says and hangs up the phone.
"Everything okay?" Nadia asks and I shake my head putting my phone back in my pocket.
"No. I need to get home." I raise my hand for a taxi and quickly get in, waving goodbye to my best friend as I go.

"No." I say looking from my uncle to Jackie. "Your lying. You're punishing me for drinking too much alcohol and how much partying I've been doing. I'm sorry." I say close to tears and my sister puts a hand on my shoulder.
"No no no no no. Bring them back, they're driving back. No Lucy's coming home." I break down in tears and Jackie holds me and rubs my back. The alcohol really isn't doing me any favours with keeping it together, but I mean can you blame me? I just lost my parents and my older sister. After a while of sitting in my sisters arms I go up to my room and lay down feeling exhausted.
"Goodnight y/nn." Jackie said to me and turns to leave but I grab her hand.
"Can you please stay with me, I don't wanna be alone right now." I ask and she nods with a sad smile and crawls into bed with me.
"I miss mum and dad and Lucy." I say and she nods.
"I miss them too." I smile and sadly and close my eyes, ready for sleep to overcome me.

Issac X reader (MY LIFE WITH THE WALTER BOYS) Where stories live. Discover now