Chapter 2

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"Okay! We're here!" Jackie says with fake enthusiasm.
"Yay. I just can't wait to spend the last remaining years of my teenage life in a house full of boys. Oh my god. Do you think any of them are cute. You reckon you're gonna have like this big romantic love story where you fall in love one of them. Wait what about 2!" I say teasingly and Jackie lightly slaps me on the shoulder and rolls her eyes.
"I gotta call uncle Richard or he's gonna be worried."
"You do that little sis." I say and go on my phone.
"Hey was your flight okay?" I hear from next to me and we both answer that it was fine and after that I tune out the conversation until I'm nudged by Jackie. I look up to see a tall red haired woman come up to us awkwardly.
"Y/n! Jackie!" She says as she hurriedly walks towards us. "Hi."
We all awkwardly stare at each other until she awkwardly hugs my sister and they both laugh. She then hugs me and I hug her less awkwardly and it feels comfortable, Like the hugs my mother used to give me, before she. No, don't think about that right now.
"I'm so happy you're both here." Katherine says and we both thank her.
"So um." She looks around chuckling.
"Over here."
"Thank you. Remember George." She says sighing and patting his shoulder.
"Hi George." We both say and he greets us back.
"How was everything." Katherine asks us and we nod. "Was the flight okay?" She asks again and we both nod saying yeses and yeahs.
"Do you need anything before we go? Get something to eat or coffee?"
"I'm okay." Me and Jackie look at each other and I groan.
"No were fine." Jackie answers and we keep walking out of the airport.

We stop at the Walter house and we get out.
"Wow, this is beautiful." I say looking at the scenery, especially the horses and beautiful green grass on the lands.
"You okay?" Katherine asks Jackie and she nods. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and start guiding her toward the porch only to nearly get toppled over by some kid on a skateboard.
"Move!" The kid says and we look over to a kid sitting on a couch as we move out of the way.
"Jackass." I say and the boy chuckles.
"Hi, I'm Danny."
"Well did you take his vitals?" We hear Katherine say as she opens the door for us.
"Well let's move in Little sis." I say and squeeze her shoulders as she nervously chuckles and we walk in.
"Woah woah Benny! Stop running."
"I'm not running." I raise an eyebrow as I suppress my laugh.
"Oh. Hey, guys." We all stop and look over into the doorway to see two boys sitting on a couch playing some video game. They were both kinda cute not gonna lie.
"Turn it off for a second." Their dad says and they listen.
"This is Jackie and y/n." He introduces us and the boy with freckles gets up and just stares at us, we'll more at Jackie. "Jackie, y/n, that's Alex and Issac."
"What's up." Issac says and we make eye contact. I smile at him and he smirks as he sends me a wink. I roll my eyes and focus my eyes on Alex as he just stares at my sister.
"Got another 2 bags if you can go grab them." Their dad says and Alex finally moves. "Uh yeah. Yeah. Sure."
He walks toward us and sticks his arm out for Jackie to take.
"Hi." She takes it and says hello and smiles. They both stare at each other for a little while and then Alex realised what he was doing and stuck his hand out for me who was smiling widely at him.
"Hi y/n." He says and I grab his hand,
"Hello Alex." He clears his throat and we keep moving.
"Straight ahead is the kitchen." George continues as we hear Katherine still on the phone.
"I'm gonna take all these up to your rooms." He continues and I offer to help but he declines the offer so I follow my sister into the kitchen towards Katherine who is finally finishing up her phone call.
"Jackie, y/n, I'm so sorry I have to go." She says and looks over to see a boy who looks to be in his early twenties coming through the door.
"Oh thank god. Wills here. Come on." We walk over to him and do introductions once more. I'm getting so sick of all these introductions.
"Honey, I have to go to the clinic so can you take over and get Jackie and y/n all settled in? They've already met, umm"
"Danny, Issac, Alex and Benny." I say and she smiles at me.
"Yes" Will says and Katherine looks at us apologetically again.
"I can't believe I'm getting called in right now. Okay so,"
"What you have to leave?" George says as he comes into the room.
"Yes. But, Wills gonna take over."
"Jackie, Y/n. I'm so sorry. I promise I will be back as soon as I can."
"Don't worry." I say with a friendly smile.
"Hope the dogs okay." Jackie finishes and Katherine rushes out of the house.
"And hey, Jackie and y/n. I am always around here somewhere. If you need anything, call me, okay? I gotta get out to the orchard." George says and the boy with the skateboard catches up. I hear my sister sigh as the door shuts and Will turns to us with a laugh.
"So, the Tony Hawk wannabe is Lee."
"We've met." Jackie says and I nod.
We move towards another room and see a boy sitting on the floor strumming a guitar and it sounds really good.
"Nathan." Will knocks on the door and the boy named Nathan looks up and stops playing.
"This is y/n and Jackie."
"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you guys."
"Thanks you too." Jackie says and we shake hands with him.
"Come on." Will says and starts moving again. When Jackie and Will are out of the room I turn to Nathan.
"I think changing the chord your using in the middle to a C would use a really great build to the song." I say and nudge him.
"Oh thanks!" He says and I nod and run to catch up to Jackie and Will. Once I come out I see them looking at blonde haired boy getting out of the water and honestly it feels kinda Pervy. I walk next to Will and the blonde gets out and sits on this bench.
"Wanna introduce yourselves?" Will asks and Cole looks at us.
"They'll figure it out."
"That's cole." Will says as a kid with a camera comes up to us and starts pointing it in every angle.
"Uhh hi?" I say to the boy and Will covers for him.
"Jordan, aspiring film director. Leave them alone Jordan, come on." Jordan leaves and we hear a splash as a dog gets out of the pool and I stand all the way back already knowing what that dogs gonna do. The dog shakes out all the water, soaking my sister while Will apologises profusely. He hands her a towel and we finally go inside to our rooms. We go up to mine first and once I see it I already feel like home. I walk in to see bright golden dots like spotlights all over the walls, covering a lot of the blue-black paint. There were also stars on the roof, it was a childish room but it brang a sense of warmth and belonging. In the middle against the window there was a beautiful bed with fairy lights around it. The room was spectacular.
"This used to be a tool room until my parents got it ready for your mother to come visit. It never happened though so now it's yours."
"It's beautiful." I say and he nods. "I'll leave you too it then, and all your stuff should be brought up by the boys soon." I nod as he and my sister leave the room, shutting the door behind them.
Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

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