Chapter 18: The Light

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Marien's POV

They broke into my cell. I was waiting for them, assuming they wouldn't be long. My wet hair was dripping since I had taken a shower with that cold water from the bathroom to numb me.

"Good morning. Have you already decided, or do you need one more day?" Orion asked.

"I'll talk. I'm not going to let you kill humans," I answered directly.

I wasn't going to take it anymore. During my career, I had seen corpses, yes, but not live executions! My stomach was hollow, closed. My heart hurt, and at the same time, it was like a black hole. I was broken.

The three smiled sinisterly but pleased. I felt devastated and abandoned, as I had been since my parents died.

"Are you sure? You could postpone your death if you let that scum die first."

"No, thank you," I murmured, squeezing the edge of the mattress I was sitting on.

How dare he make fun of me? It was difficult enough for me. I felt breathless, still wanting to cry, but I had no idea where I had gotten the strength to accept my death.

"Excellent. Don't worry, I'm a man of my word," he stated.

I nodded cautiously. The three crossed their arms while waiting.

"Well, it was found in the stool of a person with botulism, an ancient disease, so good luck trying to find it," I said with some sarcasm. "To summarize: it causes fatal paralysis in the victim."

"And how much is required?" Orion asked.

"Two billionths of a gram of this can kill a man. We don't know how much is required for you, but I assume it doesn't vary too much."

"And the way to expand it?"

"A special missile, which is still under development."

"Where is it located?"

"In some secret base in the capital. I don't know where exactly it is. It is also not part of the deal," I finished.

Orion smiled. Altair laughed sinisterly, and Sirius stared at me with those still beautiful flashing green eyes. I would never see them again, and it pained me to know that they would be the last.

"Humans are so easy," Orion scoffed. "I was hoping I'd have more fun, anyway." He sighed heavily. "Sirius, it is all yours now. You can kill her."

I was startled. Orion leaned against the wall next to Altair.

My body betrayed me. After having believed that I would be able to accept it, I felt horror invade me. Sirius approached me, and the others prepared for the show. I stood up and instinctively backed away. I was lost.

"Sirius... please..." I whispered, trembling.

"Don't worry. You won't suffer. I promise," he assured, but I found no mercy in his face or tone of voice.

He did not even care, and that destroyed me.


He pounced on me, and I managed to dodge him just as I did long ago when he was trying to teach me how to defend myself.

I ran to the door, but Altair blocked my path and pushed me down. I stood up and ran to the wall aside. Sirius was glaring at me. They would play with me like cats with mice before they killed me.

"What happens, Sirius? I've seen you do better," Orion complained.

"Who would have thought you taught me how to dodge well," I said with the bit of courage I had.

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