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Virat woke up to see Aarya clinging to him like he was a teddy bear.

"Aarya, bacha?" He said patting her cheeks.

"Mmmmm" she groans in sleep!

"Get up kiddo!"

"Sone do na bhaii!"

"It's 8.30 get up abhi!"

"I am sleepyyy! Let me sleep no bhaiiii!!!"

"Sleep in the afternoon, come on her up! We have to go for breakfast!!!!"

"Ughhhh finee! Mean!" She said getting up making faces at him.

"That's like my girl!" He said pulling her in a hug.

She curled up in that hug! He kissed her forehead, Aarya had a small smile.

"Go freshen up! Goo!"

Sensing no response he tilted his head and leaned sideways to see her fallen asleep! He shaked his head.

He splashed water on her face!

"Bhaiiiiii!" She whined

"Get up, or else I'll pour one more glass!" He warned

"Mean, you aree!"

"Say whatever you want! Go freshen up!"

"Going! Huh!!" She said getting up from the bed!

Virat just shaked his head at her antics.

They went down for breakfast.
Aarya was still grumpy.

They joined the table where Mahi and Rohit were waiting for them.

"Finally!" Rohit said.

"Good morning cheeku! Good morning Aarya!"

"Good morning bhaiii!" He said

"Good morning Mahi!" She said in a bit irritated voice.

Mahi raised his eyebrow at that

"Someone's grumpy today!" Ro said


"What's wrong?" Ro asked

"He didn't let me sleep!" She complaint pointing at Virat

Virat narrowed his eyes.

"Nothing new Aarya! He never lets anyone sleep! He has problem with sleep! He wakes me up from my peaceful sleep! Splashing water, ice and what not!" Ro said in a teasing tone.

"Correct! Totally with you!" Aarya joined him

Virat widened his eyes and his mouth open seeing her teaming up with Ro!

"Hawww!" Virat whined

"He splashed water on me also! Mean!!"

"He na always does that!"

"Nind ka dushman!" Ro said

"Shut up both of you!" Virat said annoyed
Mahi was laughing enjoying the show.

"It's the truth bhaii!" Aarya said

"Ya truth! I'll show you what truth is!" He said smacking her head lightly.


"We'll take revenge bhai!" Aarya said looking Rohit.

"Definitely! Let's plan!" He said shaking hands with her as if making a deal.

Virat rolled his eyes at them.

Both of them burst out laughing.

"You too Bhai?" He made a sad face seeing him laughing.

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