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My heartbeat rises, and bile starts to fill my throat as the panic kicks in. I just know Flash is going to make his move. The class moves onto an open space with various seating, tables, and couches.

"Students of Midtown, this is the cafeteria. We organised meals for everyone. Find a spot to sit, and the food will be handed out for your lunch," Emma explained.

I saw the toilet sign across the room as the food was being handed out. I made my way over there to clear my head. Leaning over the sink as a wave of nausea hits me, I turn the tap, splashing cold water over my face and let it drip down my neck. Looking back up, I see the reflection of someone behind me. Flash. My heartbeat rises again, and I try to duck around him and get out the door. His hand catches my shoulder and slams me to the floor. Flash leans close to my face, his breath hot and sickly sweet. 

"You can't escape me, loser," he sneers. I feel a surge of fear and anger, but I know I'm no match for him physically, not while I have to hide my identity anyway.

"you think you can work here, Penis?" he grunts as he shoves his foot into my side, cracking my freshly healed ribs.

"argghh!" I let out a painful cry as he continued to kick my stomach full force. Flash rolls me onto my back and looks down on me like a beast eyeing its prey, 

"You think you're so clever." with that, he smashes his fist down into my cheek.

 "Good luck making an impression here when you're crying in the bathroom like a little baby." his fist crashed into my face one last time before I heard a crack, and everything went black.


I watched as Peter awkwardly got up and dashed across to the bathroom, duty calls, I guess. I stay seated and eat the food handed out by the SI staff. I can't believe the stuff we saw today. I overheard Emma, our excellent guide, saying to Mr Harrington that we are going to the internet office for a demonstration, and then those who wish to apply can take a test while the others wait in the hall outside. I sure would love working here, but Peter is the one who really deserves it. My best friend's creations are crazy; once, I saw he made an automated teeth-brushing system out of some string, marbles and rubber bands.

As I finished my meal, I pulled out my phone to check the time and noticed a notification from my mom. She's asking if everything is going well and if we're enjoying our trip. I smile and type back a quick response, letting her know that everything is excellent and that I'm having a lot of fun. I can't wait to tell her about the cool things we're doing when I return home. 

Looking up, I see Peter still needs to return from the bathroom. I should go check on him.As I stand up, I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's Emma, and she's motioning for us to follow her to the internet office. I quickly grab my bag and join the rest of the group, excited to see what's in store for us next. Peter probably has stomach issues and will catch up later; I let my mind wander as we walked into the intern's labs.

Emma leads us into the Intern office, a spacious room with state-of-the-art computers, gadgets and gizmos. The air is thick with the sound of whirring fans and clicking keyboards. I feel intimidated by all the high-tech equipment. But, at the same time, I'm also excited to learn more about how things work here at SI. Emma introduces us to a team of interns working on various projects.

They give us a quick lab tour, showing us some of their latest creations. I'm particularly impressed by a robot that can fold laundry and a smart fridge that can order groceries automatically. The interns seem passionate about their work, and I can see why Peter would want to work here so badly. 

The young interns started showing us what they had been working on; Jason, Kim and Mika got us to gather around and look at their invention. They had created a robot for mental health. It keeps you company and encourages you to do basic tasks you might forget or struggle to find the energy to do so.

After the demonstration, Emma explained that we could take a test to apply for an internship position. Still, we could just wait outside and observe if we were uninterested. I decided to take the test, feeling excited and nervous simultaneously. The questions are challenging, but I do my best, hoping to get the chance to work with such a talented and innovative team. As I finish the test, I can't help but think about Peter. I wonder if he's feeling better now. He missed the whole test. This is not good.

After my test, I walked into the hallway where the other students were waiting. I see Flash bragging about something to his friends and shoving them around. I walked over to Mr Harrington and let him know Peter had been gone for a while now.

"Shhh, don't worry about Parker. As long as he is not causing trouble in my group, he can do whatever he wants." I'm taken aback by Mr Harrington's response. He's our teacher. He's supposed to take care of us.

" well, can I go check on him? "I questioned, 

"No, get in line with your classmates; Peter is enough of a mess alone, then move along when you join his mischievous plan." Mr Harrington snapped and herded me and the other students to follow Emma. I had no choice but to move along with the group. I hope Peter is okay. It has been over two hours.

Following the group, glancing back every so often. We walked through The Ark reactor historical room. As we walked through The Ark Reactor's historical room, I couldn't help but marvel at the technological advancements made over the years. The room was filled with exhibits showcasing the different phases of the company's growth. It was fascinating to see how far they had come. 

As we approached the exit, I noticed Emma looking around, trying to locate someone. I walk over to Emma and pull her aside, 

"Miss Emma, Peter rushed away while we were eating lunch, and Mr Harrington won't let me go find him and check on him. I think he might be sick."

Her face paled." that was almost three hours ago, and your teacher did not let me know?!" she was not happy.

"Friday, locate Peter Parker guest badge level one."

Emma's voice resounded through the room, and I watched as she spoke into her bracelet. Within seconds, a voice responded, confirming that Peter's badge had been located. Emma looked at me, 

"Thank you for letting me know. Don't worry. We'll take care of it from here. You stay with the group."

I nodded, feeling relieved that someone was finally looking for Peter. I joined the group once again, but my mind was still preoccupied with the thoughts of my best friend. I wondered what had happened to him and hoped he was okay.

Bruised But Not Broken -  Irondad/spidersonWhere stories live. Discover now