The Next Day

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Taken into darkness again, the subtle beeping of the medical equipment haunts my dreams. They are right next to me, but they sound so far away. 

I can hear someone in the room with me, walking back and forth ever so often, their shoes clacking on the floor and the nervous sighs. I pry my eyes open, and a beaming light hits me. I try again, this time slower. I can keep my eyes open, and my senses aren't so intense. I feel safe. Looking to my side, I see Mr. Stark sitting in a chair and looking down at his phone, or at least I think it's his phone.

"Mr Stark?" I quietly ask, 

"What are you doing here?"

"Hey, you're awake!" Mr Stark says as he jolts up at my words He sets his phone aside and walks to me with a small smile. 

"I promised your Aunt I'd keep an eye on you while she was at work," he says, "but I also wanted to make sure you were okay; you took quite the beating."

"oh, uhm, okay, Mr Stark, but you really don't have to waste your time around here. I'm okay." Peter quickens his reply. Mr Stark frowned as he dragged a chair over to sit closer to Peter. 

"Kid, I'm here whether you like it or not; you got hurt in my building on my watch," he sighs.

"Anyway, how are you feeling?"I take a deep breath and try to sit up, but a sharp pain shoots through my body. 

"Nothing I can't handle," I say, wincing

"So, kid, if you don't mind talking about it, why did Eugene do this to you? You don't seem like the fighting type," Mr Stark questioned while settling beside me.

"Oh, uh, I'm not really sure, sir. It just happens sometimes", I admit.

I didn't want to tell Mr Stark that Flash has been tormenting me every day since we met when I was eleven. No one knows, and no one needs to take any more pity upon me. Mr Stark nods his head in understanding, 

"Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, you know I'm here, right?" he says, looking at me with a gentle smile. I nod. 

"Thank you, Mr Stark," I say, "But I did just meet you, and you're kinda the most famous person in the world."

" Fair enough, kid, but you're going to be here for a while, so we might as well get to know each other." Mr Stark hummed, crossing his legs. I take a deep breath, feeling grateful for the offer. 

"Yeah, you're right, but you don't have to stay here. I'm sure you have more important things to do right now, like meetings and saving the world," I say, smiling back at Mr Stark.

"Kid, I have all the time in the world for you right now," Mr Stark said, leaning back into his chair. We started talking and asking each other lots of questions. Mr Stark knows I love science as much as he does and wants me to take the intern test when I'm up for it. 

After a while, some doctors and nurses came in to help me stand; my leg, although it was broken a few days prior, is now almost completely healed, and the bruises on my chest are almost gone; it's just my head that's in pain.

"I am curious, Pete; how are you healing so fast? I know my staff are great, but what you are doing is nearing superhuman, especially for someone as thin as you?" Mr Stark questioned

"Uhm, I'm not sure, sir. I've always been a fast healer." I choke out.

With that, Stark hummed a response,

 "Alright then, kid, I'll be back later to check on you, and strolled out the door.

Rethinking about today as I slowly drift to sleep, I can't believe I've been talking with Mr Stark. My Idol.

I feel grateful for Mr Stark's presence and willingness to spend time with me. After all, it's not every day you get to talk to a billionaire genius. As I drift off to sleep, I feel a sense of comfort, knowing that he's keeping an eye on me and that I'm not alone. It's a feeling I haven't had in a long time, and I know I'll cherish it for a long time. The beeping of the medical equipment starts to fade away as I fall into a deep sleep, feeling safe and protected. Even in the darkness, I know I'm not alone, and that's all that matters.

Bruised But Not Broken -  Irondad/spidersonWhere stories live. Discover now