The sticky situation continues

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Friday projected the security footage onto the wall in the medical room. My vision was blurry, but I knew what they were watching; I could see my red outline on the screen. The lady doctor from before put a mask over my mouth and nose.

"Peter, you can go to sleep now." "Mr Parker, just relax. You're in good hands."

As I stared at the screen, my mind was racing with thoughts. I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as Mr. Stark stood with his back turned to me. I knew I had messed up, and disappointment was sure to follow. The darkness creeping up on me since the incident began to envelop me again. But this time, instead of the menacing figures from before, I saw my parents standing in a field filled with colourful wildflowers and bright sunshine. The place was familiar, and I realized it was where my parents took me on picnics as a child. The memory brought comfort and calmness amidst the chaos in my mind. The last time I had thought of this place was a few years ago, but the vividness of the memory was as clear as if it had happened yesterday.

"Peter darling", A sweet feminine voice called out to me.

As the woman got closer, I could make out the details of her face. Her eyes were a deep brown, and her hair was a wild mess of curls that framed her face. She wore a flowing dress that seemed to sway in the gentle breeze. I couldn't quite place where I knew her from, but her presence felt comforting. She reached out a hand to me, and I hesitated momentarily before taking it. As soon as our hands touched, a warmth spread through my body, easing the pain and shock I had been feeling. She continued to hum her sweet tune, and I relaxed in her presence.

She reached her arms out to me. I slowly put them out and connected with her; grasping my wrists, she twirled me around, trading spots with me. I could finally see her. My mother standing in front of me with her red lipstick on, and the scent of vanilla beans filling my mind.

"Mum?" I whisper

"You know, you ought to be more careful. Getting injured like this is not good." The woman tutted.

Her hands reached up and cupped my face.

"You will get through this pain; it's not your time." She spoke with a caring look, looking me up and down as a mother would.

"I-" I croaked as tears started forming in my eyes. I wanted to tell her so many things, but nothing would come out.

She smiled sadly, " I know, honey, I know." She momentarily embraced me, straightened her arms, held my shoulders, and looked meaningfully into my eyes.

"Your father and I are so proud of you, and I know Aunt May is as well."

"you talk to Dad?" I voiced

"Of course she does, kid. She can't get rid of me, not even in death." In an instant, I spun around to see my Father approaching us. He wrapped his arm over my shoulder, "You are doing so well, kid, and I know life will give you a great reward for all the pain endured; you just have to make it there." he spoke from the heart.

Bruised But Not Broken -  Irondad/spidersonWhere stories live. Discover now