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Slowly my eyes opened, barely squinting in the harsh light. The sweet, fresh air had circled around, sharing a feeling of barred sacristy and delightful peace. I sensed beings around me, a presence so enlightening and strong that caused me to smile. My first smile, of course. I felt a pair of soft hands grab my shoulders. I piled up the strength to turn around, glaring at the one who touched me.

A glowing yet bright figure, as tall as could be, floating right in front of me. I focused on their face, unable to recognise them. I didn't recognise anybody.

" creation. Welcome to the void." It's voice beamed.

The void? What was 'The Void' and why was I there? And who was this celestial giant speaking? It opened it's hands in an embrace, almost seeming to want to hold me. I turned away, managing to topple over. Nothing terrible happened, it was only that I rolled through the void's atmosphere at a slow pace. I chuckled to myself, noticing how fun that was. The being laughed abashedly, seeming to not know what to do. It moved its hands down to it's sides, finally it's face being able to be seen. However, whilst I examined it's features, I gazed into it's eyes uknowingly. Just as I noticed the amount of eyes plastered on it and floating around it I swiftly pushed backwards, sending me a meter away from the light being. They tilt their head, seemig to be quite confused with my actions.

"Everything alright?" It asks subtly. I open my mouth for the first time, yet only a soft sigh expells from it. They smile, lift me up, and rest me on it's smooth shoulder. I feel a slightly larger breeze swish past me. As I relax down on it's shoulder I close my eyes, not tightly, just carefully. I sensed I had some sort of vision awaiting me. Something that had indesicivly caught my attention just as fast as I had my collective confusion for the being. My closed eyes showed nothing but a rich darkness. I couldn't make out anything extraordinary, so I kept on waiting. Suddenly, appearing out of the blue, I saw someone. Somebody with darkish blond hair and an olive coloured jumper. I audibly gasped, capturing a glare of the light being taking care of me.

The perosn in the vision was sitting outside what seemed to be a cobblestone building. No, a cobblestone castle. With a wide array of gardens, prettier than could ever be. They seemed to all be decorated with white and pure roses. Nothing I have ever seen before in my ten minutes of existing. I prepared for movement in the thought, yet the blond person sat still only with a slight glimmer of despair shining through their green eyes. I hesitated to open up my eyes again, I needed to watch the vison more carefully and search for anything important. Almost immiedietly, the vision burst away and showed somebody else I haven't seen yet. They had a cheerful personality, glowing with pride. Their brown fluffy hair caught my attention best, though, as their hairstyle looked diferent compared to anybody else. But, a slight annoyance glowed within my heart as I looked at them for long enough. I hadn't known where that feeling came from or why it existed within that moment but I somehow understood it.

Finally, another person showed. This time they had more of a scruffled hairstyle and seemed to be chilled. They were with somebody else, a person with sharp blond hair, almost a saturated golden. I couldn't see their face as it was blurred which itched me. In a way, all I needed to see was the brown haired persons face. It made me feel more calm. The annoyance I had growing in me withered away the more I stared at them. And, best of all, the vision was animated. He covered his mouth in a giggle as he played with the other civilian. They were freinds! How adorale they got along together, in a bright town of hope and desperation. That place was perfect beyond the worst.

My eyes flung back open as a loud and booming voice appeared. I was startled, to say the least. My pupils focused on a taller being infront of me, it's skin as dark as the mysteries of the midnight and wearing deep blood red, godlike clothing. I almost bounced back in fright but seemed to connect with it immiedietly. I examind them for a little while more without notcing that they too looked at me. "So, as I can see, the creation turned out well brought out." It's deep voice murmered. I blinked, not knowing how to go on with that sentence. The bright being ever so slightly pushed me towards the other one. As they did so, the other towering godlike being grabbed ahold of me gently, but not as gentle as they other times I had been touched. They brought me close to it's beedy eyes, staring at me whislt frowing. Instantly as they did so, a rush of chaotic energy flowed through me. A chaos I have never yet felt before, but quite enjoyed it. I smiled, showing my teeth.

"I like it's appearance, the one eye suites the little thing." He exclaimed. My thoughts all piled up into one as it said it's words. The other beign nodded and agreed. It's like they both knew eachother as well, were they freinds too? Are they secretly those people in the visions? No, they couldn't be, not at all. They looked nothing alike the people in the visions. The being that grabbed ahold of me let go, allowing me to float. The void was all white, and a mixture of grey darted around in it as well. It was like the symbol for both these god like allies. "Are you two here for me...?" I mumbled, making the two look entruiged and surprised. "It can talk?" The evil looking god asked. As for the other god, it showed it's respect for me and dipped it's head. "Yes, and we are here for you. Your arrival, dear creation..."

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