Chapter 1

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Before me was a vast and rich green, stuck in it's form of beauty and endless care. I took everything in, being reminded of the past and present. I deeply exhale and flail backwards onto the scerene meadow grass. I examined the also endless sky, watching each and every cloud depart and reform. I needed this peace after running away, running from the darkness of a roughed up town. A bird with an endless array of fluffy feather circled in the atmosphere, floating above the ground as graceful as ever. That was what I enjoyed watching, nature thrive in the best ways possible. I lifted myself back up onto my feet, careful not to gain dizziness. I gazed forward, pondering on wether or not I should continue, in which I did. I strolled across the feilds, each blade of grass marked with dew drops.

The plentiful fresh air dashed around me, making me feel enlightened and better than before. I took it all in as quick as I could before this moment faded. I had a slight feeling, though, that a pair of eyes had locked onto me atleast once or tiwce, but I chose to ignore it. It could've been anything, or just the feeling of being alone for all these dreadful months. It takes me back to when I first was running through the darkness of the forests, unable to catch a brake or breathe. But, wherever I am now has calmed me and has reasurred me. Destined, I continued forward, my strength building up as I was hopeful. I must be able to reach humanity soon, right? A simple traveller or two should walk past me at any moment. It's what happens all the time right and I have to be recognised by them. My eyes dart to the simple dirt below, yet it wasn't as simple as I thought. An array of old looking footprints were dug through the surface.

I had almost gasped, but remained calm. Footprints, perfect. I looked ahead, notcing that they disappear almost suddenly as they kept trailing off. Maybe the person who had created these footprints hadn't pressed down hard enough for the result of a print to show up. Just as I pondered deeply, a rustling noise crashed around me. I was startled, bounced away from the area, and lifted my head up high, not knowing what happened. Slolwy and carefully, I walked up to a shrub big enough for a tiny human to sit inside of. I examined it for a bit, tilting my head and bracing for another noise to call from it. But sadly it stayed still and didn;t move and inch. Not even the subtle breeze pushed it around.

I decided to stop for moment and rest, sitting ontop of a smooth feeling rock. It was a perfect spot, the view was clean and every animal was thriving. I was enjoying this a lot. The brown leather backpack I had ver my shoulder caught my attention. I grabbed it and threw it onto my lap, opening it up and taking out things that would keep my mind busy. The first thing I grabbed at was my sktechbook, filled with memories and things I loved. A small pencil was attached to it, dangling on the side of the book. I flipped through most of the pages, viewing each drawing whilst thinking of things to sketch. My eyes landed on a sketch of the midnight sky, the moon shining and each star perfectly placed.

I scanned the page, flipping another over and seeing a blank space. Carefully, I picked up the pencil I had and began to draw lines. Every line was perfect in my eyes, but then they slowly turned into shapes and were able to be made out as a person. It was me, of course, my purple sweater all raggedy and my long, fluffy dark brown hair flowing in the wind. I drew my face last, my blue eyes sparkling in the fake light of the drawing. The image appeared better in my head, but It was an alright drawing by the time I dropped the pencil. The sketch made me smile as I satred deep into the led covered page. Afterwards I packed everything up and sighed as I jumped back into action, feeling a rush of adrenaline.

Onward I walked, the hill just a few metres away from me. The grassy hill, punctered with a tall and twisted tree missing it's leaves at the very top, glued onto the belevolent earth. It looked like a closed over and demolished volcanic mountain, yet it wasn't that. My mind was preferable going to force me to climb up it to get a much better view, so I did just that. Reaching the steep hill was easy enough, limbing it would be a challenge. Surely not for me, though, as I started to latch onto the grass and careful not to rip it from it's long roots. I heaved myself upwards, resting my foot on a spiky stone sticking out of the ground cautiously. It was all going well, as I was able to finally stand up and dash to the top, looking at the dazzling and natural view. Well, I was very stunned by how pretty everything seemed. Each tree blowing in the wind, flowers from afar seeming brighter than light and a flowing river just nearby perfect and steady.

I leaned against the tree, slowing falling to the ground and resting easily. I sat down, facing the mountains in the background and admiring the growing life. I was lucky to be here, away from all the horrid mess that circled around me endlessly. My whole body shivered with a deep fear. Surely, experiencing this wouldn't make me that fearful, right? It would be the terror filled memories that kept replaying in my head. The town, the towns people, my friends. Somehow everything seemed peaceful even though it wasn't too long ago. I left for my safety, but was it worth hiding alone? All I wanted to do was see people once more, coming out here in the feilds is great but makes me feel worthless in a way. Because no matter how hard I try I doubt I will get to see anybody I remember, especially as I was pretty much the only one I saw running. I shook my head, clearing my mind suddenly. I should focus on the positives, shouln't I?

I pushed myself off of the gorund, standing tall and stretching. Maybe I should get moving once more. I might be lucky enough to get to see someone. But, luck isn't always around the corner for everyone. I kept my hopes up anyway, starting to walk down the steep slope of the grassy hill. I slid down, grinning to myself. I picked up the pace and began to head in the direction of the forest I haven't yet explored, making sure I had everything ready and with me for the trip. Just quietly, I had more hope than I thought I would've had.

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