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"ella! come on. your mother will dislike me if i get you back late!" andrew yelled at the girl who was sat on the grass talking to dahlia. auriella rolled her eyes and stood up, flattening out her chilton uniform and fixing it. "he's my ride so i better listen to him." dahlia giggled and stood up. "i'll see you tomorrow, ella." she said as auriella walked off over to andrew who was sat in his car. "drew drew drew. have you never been taught not to rush a lady?" she teased as she got into his car and buckled her seatbelt. andrew rolled his eyes and started the car. "you, auriella gilmore, are far from a lady." he smirked and auriella gasped in shock. "whatever, battenburg." she teased and leaned over to kiss his cheek. the pair were flirty, and had kissed more times than countable, but nothing had ever been made official between them. despite both their parents thinking their friendship will end in marriage.

as the duo pulled up to the gilmore household, they saw a figure stood in the doorway looking at the house infront of her. "who is that?" andrew asked as he pulled up, the sound of the car getting the woman's attention. as she turned auriella grinned, recognising the woman. "oh my gosh, lorelai!" she spoke causing andrew to raise an eyebrow. "what is she doing here? did we miss christmas?" the boy said causing auriella to hit his arm. "shut up. thanks for the lift. i'll see you tomorrow!" she said kissing his cheek again and ruffling his hair before she got out the car. "lorelai!" she called as the woman had gone back to staring at the house in fear. andrew watched for a moment before driving off and leaving the sisters together. "oh! auriella!" lorelai said seeing her walk over. "i wondered who was pulling in." she said pulling her sister into a hug. "what are you doing here? and the doorbell works you know." she teased her sister who had been stood staring at the door even longer than auriella knew about. "here to see mom and dad." lorelai said as she pulled away from the hug. "you need money?" the teen asked with a smirk and lorelai shrugged refusing to let her sister know why she was here.

auriella was spot on. lorelai's daughter rory, had been offered a place at a prestige private school called chilton. the same one auriella attended. rory wanted to attend harvard university, and lorelai knew this school would give her the best shot at it, in comparison to the local high school in stars hollow, where the pair lived. but on her income alone, there was no way she'd be able to afford the tuition, especially considering they wanted the enrolment fee, and first semesters tuition before rory would even be allowed to start. therefore she was here planning on doing something she never thought she'd even dream of, asking her parents for a loan.

the shorter gilmore grabbed her key out her backpack and unlocked the front door, calling out as she walked in. "mom, dad, i'm home and i bring a guest." emily came to the door seeing her daughter and expecting to see drew or lia with her. "oh, lorelai?" she said in shock. "hi, mom." lorelai said with a slight smile. "lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. is it easter already?" lorelai laughed slightly nervous and shook her head "no, i just, uh, finished up my business class and i thought i would stop by." auriella watched the interaction in entertainment before she walked over to emily to kiss her cheek. "hi mom, school was good. i'm going to go up and get changed." she said knowing her mother was barely listening to her still in shock that her eldest was in her doorway. ella rolled her eyes as she was ignored and headed up the stairs to her room. once she was gone, emily seemed to unfreeze and spoke again. "you're here to see me? well, isn't that nice, come in." lorelai walked inside the house, taking off her coat and holding it over her arm. they walk together to the living room. "the place looks great" lorelai said as they walked. "it hasn't changed." emily spoke, as they both took seats opposite each other. "you said you were taking a business class?" emily asked her daughter who nodded in reply. "yeah. i'm taking a business class at the college twice a week. i'm sure i told you." emily looked at her daughter and said "well, if you're sure then you must have." after a long silence she spoke again. "would you like some tea?" lorelai sighed and said "i would love some coffee."

AURIELLA GILMORE: the golden girlWhere stories live. Discover now