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auriella and andrew were in the hallways of chilton, smirking at each other as they watch their best friend attempt to flirt with a boy. the attempt failed and a pouting dahlia came back to them. "i'm sorry, babe." ella said to the blonde who pulled her in for a hug. "it's fine, he wasn't even that cute. share drew with me? he's cute." she said with another pout. "for me to share him he'd have to be mine." auriella said with a chuckle looking at her best friend. "oh please. no one in chilton dares flirt with you or him because they're too scared of the opposite going off on them." dahlia said leaning against the lockers. ella rolled her eyes "whatever, i need to get to class. i'll see you both after?" she said receiving two nods. she walked off, not noticing andrew's eyes following her as she walked. dahlia did though. she hummed a little and the boy shook his head. "don't lia." he said with a huff as they both walked to their next class.

auriella walked into mr medina's class, groaning to herself as she realised they were getting a paper back today. after listening to him talk for a few minutes about the paper, he finally decided to start handing them out. "decent effort by most, good effort by some, exceptional effort by a few. miss geller, miss grant. ms. graham. miss gilmore. miss gilmore." he said handing out papers to the respective names. seeing an A on her paper caused auriella to grin. she had struggled with the paper and to know she still did well gave her some comfort. she heard mr medina continue to talk, something about red circles and beating the humanity out of them. "next up. the test - the dreaded test. shakespeare! the man we've been droning on about for the last three weeks, finally comes back to haunt us. this is a big one my friends - multiple choice with an essay section that will count for 20% of your grade for this semester. and don't be fooled by my kind face and charming personality. this test will be hard, and there will be no makeups." he continued to explain, causing a few students to complain silently, a couple even letting their groans be heard. as the bell rings mr medina finishes up "refer to the study materials that i gave you at the beginning of the month and those extensive notes i know you've been taking." he said walking back to his desk.

auriella put the paper in her bag, alone with her books when she heard paris, louise and madeline discussing their grades. suddenly they started to mention a D grade, and at the very end mentioned rory. auriella frowned and stood, walking to rory's desk and seeing the D paper poking out her folder. "don't." she said seeing ella next to her desk. "i wasn't going to say anything. just, if you need help, you know where i am." she said softly sending her a smile. rory smiled back, grateful for her offer even if she was embarrased by the grade. ella saw tristan hanging back and shook her head. "jog on, dugray. she's not in the mood for you. and neither am i." she said, sending him on his way, gaining another grateful smile from rory before she left the room.

auriella left the classroom to go find dahlia and andrew, and she found the two waiting at her locker. "aw, you guys missed me?" she teased, opening her locker to put her books away. they rolled their eyes before andrew asked about the paper. "oh, i got an A. now i just need to ace this shakespeare test, so it's going to be a case of lots of studying until friday." she said with a dramatic sigh. "congrats on the A, el, we'll celebrate our grades probably at your party, once you ace the shakespeare test." drew said kissing her head. "study party at yours?" dahlia asked and ella nodded with a smile. "sure, i might invite rory if thats okay?" she said softly and her friends nodded. seeing her niece walk from the classroom she ran over. "hey, ror. my friends and i are going to have a study group to prepare me for the test mr medina's doing, and them for a test they have coming up, i was wondering if you wanted to join?" she asked and rory shook her head. "just because i got a D doesn't mean you need to feel sorry for me." she snapped slightly and ella stepped back a little shock. "what? no. rory i just thought cause you weren't here for the full course.. it was nothing to do with the grade you got on the paper?" auriella said and guilt flashed in rory's eyes, but before she could apologise ella had walked back to her friends.

"just us, guys." ella said wrapping her arms around them both. "now, drive me back? mom's got the parent/teacher conference tonight and dad's out at some work thing. so free house." auriella said with a grin and her friends nodded, smiling. they all began to walk to their cars, andrew speaking. "i'll take gilmore. meet us there, lia?" he said and the blonde nodded. "see you there. don't make me wait too long." the girl teased the pair before heading off to her car. "does she think we make out every time we're alone?" ella asked andrew who shrugged and led the girl to his car. "well, don't we?" he teased and ella gasped. "not everytime!" she defended, getting into the passenger seat waiting for him to get in. "if you say so, hon." drew said with a smirk before starting the drive to the gilmore house.

as andrew was driving, auriella couldn't help but watch the boy. her eyes trailing over his features. he really was cute. she knew that, of course, but what dahlia had said had stuck in her head. did the whole of chilton really think they were going to end up together? did andrew think they'd end up together? to be honest, auriella would say they would, if they hadn't been friends for so long. she liked what they have, and she didn't want to ruin it by attempting to pursue something andrew might not want.

"have i got something on my face?" andrew asked noticing the girl starting at him, a smirk on his face. her cheeks flushed and she looked away, out the window. "we haven't made out yet, so it can't be your lip gloss." he teased. "shut up." she mumbled and leaned back with a huff. "we're here, if you haven't noticed, gilmore." he teased and she looked out the window seeing her house. "oh." she said with a flushed face. she got out the car, andrew following behind. just as they got to the door, dahlia pulled up, parking beside andrew. she got out and ran over to the group. "good, i don't have to knock." she said with a grin. auriella rolled her eyes before unlocking the front door. "mom? dad?" she called out as she walked in, her friends in tow.

getting no answer she shut the door behind her and started to head up the stairs. "auriella?" emily appeared and auriella turned around to face her mom. "hi, mom." she said stood on the stairs. "hi mrs gilmore." andrew and dahlia said with a smile. "ah, hi andrew, dahlia." emily said softly. "dahlia and andrew are here to help me study for mr medina's shakespeare test. a little study group. is that okay?" she asked her mother who nodded. "yes, so long as you're aware i'm at the parent-teacher conference tonight." emily said. "oh yes, i forgot that was today. is dad home?" she asked, lying so it didn't seem planned and emily shook her head. "he's at some work event. are you going to be okay for dinner or should i ask the cook to make you something?" the mother asked.

"no mom, it's fine. we'll pull something together." she said softly. "i'll make sure the girls are well fed, mrs gilmore." andrew said to the girl's mother. "okay. thank you." she nodded content with their answers. "well, have a good study." she said before heading off to the parent-teacher event.

the three kids walked up the stairs again to auriella's room. "i'll make sure the girls are well fed, mrs gilmore" dahlia repeated, mocking andrew. "does mrs gilmore know you can't even fry an egg?" she teased and ella giggled, throwing her bag on the bed and kicking her shoes off. "if i said the words, takeout pizza, to emily gilmore she'd lock me in my room for a week." ella said with a roll of the eyes and took her chilton blazer off hanging it up in her closet. "imagine how she'd feel if she knew the side party we're planning for your birthday." andrew said with a laugh, sitting on the girls bed. "shh, i've invited rory and lorelai too so that's another two people to hide it from." she said with a huff.

"why rory? wouldn't she be okay with it?" dahlia asked tilting her head before sitting on the bed too, auriella sitting next to andrew. "oh please. she's a rule follower, plus she wouldn't be able to hide it from lorelai." the gilmore said resting her head on andrew's chest. "she'll learn one day how we all make these parties more fun." she chuckled. "anyways, we should probably at least think about studying." she said and her friends nodded, all getting out their notes.


after a few hours of studying, studying turned into eating pizza and gossiping. study notes discarded to the floor as the three led on auriella's bed, staring at her ceiling. "i love you guys, a lot." auriella said randomly. "aw, i love you both too." dahlia said softly. "me three" andrew said with a small chuckle. "chilton would be a whole lot worse without you both." he added with a grin. "we should get back to studying." ella said causing a groan from the two others. "i knew there was something stupid about to fall from her mouth the moment she started being nice." dahlia said with a huff and a pout. "hey!" auriella complained as she sat up. "she's right, ella. but so is ella, lia. we do need to get back to studying." andrew said also sitting up. "and bin these pizza boxes before mom or dad gets home." auriella added. the three of them tidied up before getting back to being the perfect students.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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