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auriella was currently stood outside chilton, waiting for drew or dahlia to show up. her mother had offered to give her a lift this morning which she found suspicious until she remembered it is rory's first day. she adjusted the strap of her backpack as she watched students pass her, and she sighed knowing the pair were probably already inside the school. she went to turn around before she saw a familiar car pulling into the school. the lorelai's. deciding to be nice, she stood and waited for them to get out the car. as she watched them bicker from the car she walked over to it, and knocked on the window. lorelai rolled down her window and grinned. "perfect! ella can take you in." rory looked at auriella and sighed. "mom, it's my first day. you are not getting out of going in there with me." auriella watched the pair and rose an eyebrow, confused as to why lorelai didn't want to take rory in. once lorelai had got out the car, auriella realised. she burst into giggles and leaned against their car bonnet and she held herself up. "alright ella, alright. people are looking even more. shut up." lorelai said to her sister. "that's what you decided to wear to drop your daughter of at chilton?" auriella said with a giggle. "it looks like the rodeo is in town." she grinned and rory nodded. "that's exactly what i said!" lorelai rolled her eyes at the pair. "i woke up late, and had no clean laundry." lorelai explained, grabbing her coat and pulled it on, tying to hide her outfit. auriella was still giggling as the three walked towards the school. "alright ella, are you going to help or just laugh at me?" lorelai asked and auriella nodded. "sorry, sorry. i'm assuming you need headmaster charleston's office?" she asked and rory nodded. "come on." the teen took both their hands and pulled them in the direction of the office.

as they reached the office, auriella stopped and let the two look at the door. as neither make an approach to move, auriella sighed and opened the door, leading them over to a woman at a desk. "excuse me?" auriella said and the secretary looked up, so auriella looked at lorelai for her to talk. "hi. i'm lorelai gilmore. this is my daughter, lorelai gilmore." she said pointing to rory. "i named her after me. i was in the hopsital all whacked out on demerol." she said before ella's giggles stopped her. lorelai really wanted to embarrass rory on her first day, didn't she? "nevermind. but we call her rory. it's short for lorelai or even 'hey you' depending on the" she says before rory nudges her. "is the headmaster here?" lorelai said. "one moment." the secretary said, walking away.

"really, lor? you couldn't have saved poor rory from your rambling on her first day?" auriella teased as her sister looked at her with an eyebrow raise. "you're really enjoying this, aren't you?" ella nodded with a grin. "probably a lot more than rory is, yeah."

the door reopened and the secretary comes back out. "headmaster charleston will see you now." she said and lorelai nodded. "great. thanks." she started to walk but stopped when rory did. "wait for me out here, ella? please?" rory said grabbing auriella's arm. "but rory, i, class," she sighed seeing the plead in rory's eyes and then looked at lorelai who had a similar look. "okay, fine. i'll wait here." she said and both smiled at her before they walked in.

inside the room, headmaster charleston introduced himself to the gilmores as lorelai suddenly spots her mother in the corner on the couch. "mom? uh. what are you doing here?" she asked furrowing her brows. "i came to wish my granddaughter luck on her first day of school. rory, you look wonderful in that uniform!" she said aiming the first part at her daughter and second at her granddaughter. "you didn't have to come all the way out here, mom." lorelai said, slightly annoyed she was here. "this gave me a chance to make sure that hanlin here takes good care of rory." she said nodding to the headmaster. "hanlin's wife and i are on the symphony fundraising committee together." emily continued. "your father and i are golf rivals. we're still fighting it out to see which one is worse." the headmaster said with a smile. "oh yes, we're all old friends" emily nodded.

AURIELLA GILMORE: the golden girlWhere stories live. Discover now