CHAPTER 2| Falling apart.

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(1.5 years ago)

TW: Mentions of suicide


EVERYTHING IS going downhill. I'm surprised our mafia is still considered the best in the underground, though that's bound to change at this rate.

But anyway, all that is besides the point. All of my brothers' mental and physical health has deteriorated, pretty damn rapidly. The death of Azalea effected all of us so negatively that we'd started to ignore each other's presence and eventually isolate ourselves. And who knows what they do in their isolation bubble.

Aidan, I don't want him to be alone whilst grieving. It's the worst thing ever, and I'd know that. He's quite closed off and normally has a frown on his face. I do everything I can to turn it upside down. For now, all of my brothers are priorities, and I come following closely behind other things like business and work.. which might be considered unhealthy but I've done it once, and I'll do it again.

And as for Elliott, I know he's grieving and I try to be there for him as much as I possibly can. But he seems fine, still pretty happy and always trying to lighten the mood so I can only assume he's fine. And when I previously tried to talk to him, he always says he's okay and that I should focus on the others. I'm not sure to what extent he knows of the family business, and so far he's been extremely protected from the mafia, so he should be.. not fine, but better than the rest of us. Not tormented with the thought that Azalea is dead, more than likely because of us— our mistakes.

No matter what I do, what I try, nothing works on Giovanni and Nicholas. They don't talk to anyone, locked away in their rooms doing God knows what. Nicholas has turned back to his alcoholic ways and Giovanni tries to be a good brother, a better role model. But by doing, that he ignores himself and his human needs, and it goes south from there.

We attended the funeral for Azalea. That was the first time ever I'd seen Giovanni shed a tear. The ceremony was quiet and filled with morning, sobbing, grievance.. Matteo, Juliette and Damari came. As expected, Juliette and Damari were crying, holding each other and comforting one another during the speeches Aidan and I gave, however, a small detail that probably went unnoticed by others didn't go unnoticed by me.

Elliott and Matteo missed almost half of the entire funeral by going to 'private places' and talking in hushed tones. Elliott also wasn't as sad as I thought he'd be and didn't even deliver a speech as he said he would. Yes, he did cry, but not as much as any of our brothers or myself. Out of everyone, I thought he'd cry the most. He was probably closest to her out of everyone.

And for this.. 'Matteo' boy.. he didn't even shed a fucking tear. I'm not one to swear, nor am I one to judge, I mean, maybe they had some unsolved arguments or something. But to show up to someone's funeral, miss half the service and not even let one tear out is really fucking disrespectful. At that moment I could feel my knuckles going white.

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