CHAPTER 12| Clubbing.

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ANXIETY IS taking over me. I can't go anywhere without feeling like I'm being watched by someone or something; and it's reminding me of memories I'd buried years ago.

Not like I did sleep at night before, but for these past two days, I haven't gotten a blink of sleep. My nights consist of me drowning myself in work, going out for 'walks' in the middle of the night or constantly checking that my information is untraceable and sealed. Confirming no one could get information on me again even if they really wanted to. Oh and did I mention that Gianna knew about it but didn't tell me because she thought it was okay? 

I personally am mad at her for doing that, like she should've told me if someone was after me especially as an owner of one of the best industries in the world alone, not even as the girl with insane brothers. In her defense, she didn't know they were sent by my brothers, and she didn't think they'd go all out and spend mass amounts to get an 'experienced' stalker, and she didn't think they'd find anything on me. I still think she's a fucking idiot for not telling me, but whatever. We all make mistakes I guess. Still haven't forgiven her for that, though.

Elliott keeps me posted on everything, and I'm so grateful for that. So far, they haven't gotten any closer than they were before. They're apparently starting to loose hope and I'm so thankful for that. Now, I think I'm just waiting until they do finally loose hope so that I can stop being so anxious and paranoid about everything. Like I'm not joking, even when I was top wanted by the police I didn't stay this low.

But anyway, Juliette decided me sulking around wasn't okay, and told me that I had to.. loosen up (I don't think I want to know what sense she meant that in), then proceeded to kindly threaten me when I said I didn't feel like drowning myself in unnecessary amounts of alcohol.

So, now, I'm unwillingly sitting my ass down in my walk-in closest, criss-crossed legs while a convicted psychopath raids my closet, looking for something 'sexy' to wear tonight. I've been praying that someone will save me from my own personal hell ever since. If I suddenly go missing tomorrow, you know why.

I clear my throat. "Um.. Julie, don't you think we can do this later? I mean, I've got loads of work to do and it is 4pm. We're leaving at 9.." I'm halfway through my sentence when I get a deadly glare.

"That's only 5 hours, Azalea," She says through gritted teeth. I regret ever opening my mouth. Y'know, the more that I think about it, the more I realize that she seems to have that effect on people.

I shrug. "Isn't that enough, if not more?"

"Just shut up before I do something I'll regret," she smiles sarcastically.

"Ooh, scare-ay," I huff, but that's closely followed with a yelp when a slipper is thrown at my face. Fucking Juliette.

With an eye roll, I lean my body against a closet, bringing my knees up to my chest and rocking myself. What has my life become?

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