CHAPTER 10| Outburst.

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THEY TOLD me everything.

Well, when I say they, I mean Elliott told me about what happened. From them calling asking about Matteo, to how they even found out about Matteo, then to me having a go at Juliette for throwing Matteo out like that. 

And now, it's me ripping out my hair whilst actively worrying about them literally finding my IP and watching me sleep through a fucking window. It's something they'd do, in all honesty. Definitely wouldn't put it past them. 

People in the illegal world say Giovanni has become unhinged, insane and deathly ruthless these past three years. Kills people without hesitation or so much so a blink. Same for Nicholas. Psychopaths, they're called. Crazy, deadly people. Those same people are my.. siblings. Like brother like sister, I guess. Wrong saying too..

Anyways, that doesn't matter. What does matter is that I'm actively being hunted by these so-called psychopaths, even right now as I think.

Apparently, I don't have as much time as I'd originally thought. Elliott says they're hanging up missing posters or something, and to my displeasure, I can't fucking tell if he's joking. He insists he's not, and I tell him I don't believe him because I really, really don't want to believe this is what it's come to and he's got a silly smile/smirk on his face, to which he claims it's only there because I'm making him smile. 

I've also decided I'm not coming out of this estate until they give up their stupid, pointless search.

Why? Well, countless reasons. But, 1. I don't want to see them, nor do I want them to find me. 2. I'm scared I'll drop dead from mortification and fear if I do actually see my 15-year-old-self's face with bold, printed letters, 'MISSING' on a sheet of paper. 3. I really need a break from all this bullshit.

A sigh escapes my mouth as I spin around on my swivel chair to face my desk. I narrow my eyes at my open laptop, planning to listen into their conversation in their living room. I need to get cameras installed there. But of course somebody has to stop my stupid thoughts, right? Right, because just as I move my cursor to the unmute button, Elliott strolls in, looking all giddy.

Well, more annoyed than giddy. I sigh. Long day.

"They're crazy," Elliott sighs dramatically. I roll my eyes, lean back in my chair.


Elliott frowns. "I think they found where Matteo lives." He says casually, shrugging his shoulders.

My eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. "What!?"

"Went there today and Giovanni was talking about how he was going to hire all the hitmen he could gather and raid his place when he finds him."

Oo! Count me in!

Half joke!

My body untenses a little and I rest back in my seat. "So they haven't found him," I say, irritated.

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