Abused but strong

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Cara Pov

        I laid there for a few minutes and cried. my brothers, if you want to call them that, had just finished whipping me with a silver whip. Thankfully, i had already gotten my wolf, so it was easier to heal, but because of the starvation, we could only heal to where there were only scars. They hated me as well as my sister and father because they blamed me for our mothers death. i tried to tell them, but they refused to listen, so after a while, i quite trying. You see i shifted at 5 years old but that same day we were attacked by rouges and they managed to kill my mother but when every one arived they accused me of her death because i didn't have a mark on me.
         Tomarrow is my birthday and the day i meet my mate.
       'I hope our mate isn't in this pack Zira, I don't know how much more i can take.' i said to her, and she sighed.
'I know my girl but remember who we are and how stronge we are. Plus, we will be greater than what they will ever truly know what they will eventually lose when we leave.' she stated proudly, waging her tail.
I went to my bed. If you would call a mattress on the floor with only one blanket in the attic a bed, I went to sleep.
        I woke up the next morning to my brother Christian shout up the stairs.
        "SLAVE GET YOUR WOLFLESS WORTHLESS ASS DOWN HERE AND FEED US!!!" he all but screamed. i jumped up and got into my school clothes and ran downstairs, grabbing my backpack along the way. i arrived in the kitchen and quickly made breakfast, making sure to use just enough speed for them not to get suspicious. before anyone said anything after breakfast, i made a dash to the woods. once there, i put my bag in my mouth and shifted.
        i was so happy to have Zira. she is twice the size of an alpha. not to mention faster at a sprint, I made it to school way before everyone got there. unbeknown to my family, i had made arrangements with the school that if i arrived early that i could start my school work before everyone else. not to tut my own horn, but i am a straight student for a reason.                       However, luck was not on my side today because as soon as i walked in through the doors, i was surrounded by my sister and her best friend Hanna, whose brother was Victor Heart. every girl wanted him in their bed, but he was my sisters boyfriend.
        I made it through until lunch without any more incidents like this morning, but of course, that didn't last long. i swear, i think my real mother loves to screw with me. oh, did i forget to mention that my real mother is the moon goddess.
        "yea and we both have a couple of surprises for you, but first.......MATE!!!!' Zira screamed, then we followed the scent of Alpine and rain, but i stopped dead cold when it led me to the one person i hoped it wouldn't. My mate was none other than Victor Heart. Unlike the love, lust, and adoration that one should see in the eyes of your mate, instead, there was disgust, anger, and hate.
        just when i thought it couldn't get any worse, it did.
       "Hey, everyone's attention, please." he began, and everyone stopped eating and looked at us. "The moon goddess gave me Cara Heaven Moon, a wolfless murdering slave as a mate."
         "WHAT!!!!" i heard a screech coming from the door, and i looked, and it was my sister, and she was pissed. Well fuck my life.
        'Cara i know he will reject us i can see it in his eyes but you need to accept it and we need to leave this place' Zira said whimpering a little at the mere mention of him rejecting us.
        'But won't that hurt you as well.' i replied, worried a little.
         'Yes, but it is time they knew who we truly are and what they are losing.' she growled angrily.
        "I will never accept someone as weak as you, so I Victor Heart soon to be Alpha of the Gold Moon Pack Reject you Cara Heaven Moon as my mate and Luna." he said with a smile. i couldn't help but laugh.
        "How dare you laugh and disrespect an Alpha!" My sister screamed, walking towards me. She raised her hand to slap me, but Zira took over. My sisters jaw dropped when she caught her hand, and my eyes changed colors from green to a bright purple.
         "You know my human, and i used to look up to you. In fact we wanted to be you some day but not anymore....oh and if you want to know what really happened to the rouges that killed our mother, i killed them by ripping them to peices and buried them in the trees by where she died." Zira growled at her as a tear slipped down her face. then, after i regained control, we turned and ran to the forest edge. i stopped and turned to see their shocked faces.
          "Oh, by the way, I Cara Heaven Moon, the daughter of the current moon goddess Diameira and future queen of the supernaturals and the next moon goddess accept Victor Heart's rejection." i spat as i look my ex mate dead in the eyes. then i smiled as i heard them gasp as i shifted and ran into the forest, heading straight for home. Before arriving, i shifted back and ran to my room. i took all i had, including my black card. Yes, i am Filthy Rich as well. You see, i was making floor plans that big businesses paid billions for me to do. i had hidden it in my room along with a necklace that my mom had left for when i turned 16. It was pure silver, and it was a cross with a wolf howling at the moon.
i put it on and grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note, although i dont know why.

To whoever may or may not give a shit,
          i had prayed to my mother the moon goddess that you my adopted family would realize that a child who was paralyzed with fear after shifting at only five years old would be too frightened to kill anyone let alone her own mother. i still hope that you will someday, but i can not stay her to see that day come. Mother would be furious and distraught if she saw how you treated me. i never knew until today what happened after she died. i loved you all, and in some way, i still do. however you all have hurt me too much to stay here. it may take a while to forgive but never hate you. brothers, fathers, and even big sisters are supposed to protect their child or youngest sibling no matter what, but you were the ones that hurt me the most.
         i was always told that even five years old mates were sacred and cherished. If you rejected your goddess given mate, it was like disrespecting the goddess herself. Victor, you didn't just disrespect the moon goddess by rejecting yours, but she gave you her most precious thing she could. me, my mother thought she saw greatness in you and she wanted to help you but no you basically slapped her in the face by rejecting me her daughter.
         yes, i call the moon goddess mom now, but the Luna of the gem stone pack will always be my mom as well, for she loved me more than you will ever know. she was there for me even though it cost her her life in the end, but i will never forget the time i spent with her or the good time i had with you all. now i say to you good bye if we meet again just please know that if you try and hurt me again i will not cower in fear but i will fight back and if you try to kill me well.....hell hath no furry like a woman scorned.

with all the love i have left in me,


         I folded it up and slid it under Christopher's door and walked out of the pack house and towards the forest, putting my bag in my mouth. i shifted into my wolf and headed towards the pack border. suddenly, i heard howls from behind me, so i spead up and stopped as soon as i crossed it into no mans land. still in my wolf form, i turned around to see my father had already shifted back.          he looked at me with sadness and regret. in that moment, he turned back into the father i had once run to whenever i got hurt. the father that would always read me stories of my mother and father, who was the werecat alpha king and my other father, the alpha of a very powerful lycan wolf pack.
       "Cara, please stop. Your wolf was right. We found the remains of the rouges, and the wounds on their bones prove your wolfs story is true. i can't tell you how sorry i am of how we treated you all these years and blamed you for something that wasn't your doing in the first place. I don't know why or how they got in or even what they were hoping to gain from this, but please let us make up for it and come back." he said as tears fell down his face.
          'i'm sorry, Daddy, but i can't maybe someday, but the hurt and pain are still too much.' i said to him as i turned around to leave. i heard his voice for the last time in my head.
         'As you travel, please know that you are and will always be my baby girl.' Then the link was cut, but not before i heard the beta shout.
         'Some help rouges have entered the gold moon and the gem stone pack territory!' he said, and then the link was cut. If there was one thing I hated the most it was rouges.
         'we must save them!' Zira shouted alarmed. we shifted directions and headed at full speed to the location. what would take an alpha 5 minutes to get there? i made it in less than a minute. when i arrived, i saw red as a wolf was less than a minute from killing my brother Christian.
           'Rouges killed our mother, but they will not take anymore!' i shouted to Zira. 'tear them to pieces Zira.'
            i leaped a tackled the one on top of. my brother ripped his head from the rest of his body. i went and attacked the others, ripping them open and clawing their stomachs and spilling their guts on the ground. when i was done, the rouges littered the ground in pieces while i didn't have a scratch on me.
           "So it was true you did kill the rouges that killed mom, and the reason that you didn't have a scratch on you was that you were too fast." i heard my sister say in shock.
            "Wait, then how come we were able to hurt you, and you never faught back?" Christopher asked, looking confused. i sighed, and Zira nodded at me from inside my head.
       "Your family, and unlike some i didnt want to hurt let alone kill my family." i said, still in my wolf form. then, without another word, i turned and ran.
       'Are you sure this is the right thing to do?' i asked Zira as we left the gold moon pack territory.
       'Yes, we need to heal first before we can forgive.' she replied, sounding very wise. 'we were abused then, but now it's time for us to be strong.'

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