chapter 18 - DNA test

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Alexander's pov:

I can't believe it.

I think we have found her

It's been so many years but we have found her and I am sure of it now , everything makes sense now

It was now like 1am and adrain and Killian have finally joined us three downstairs we all knew what we had to do

"Who's getting the hair sample?" I asked excited

"I think Jacob would be the best to get it as she probably trust him most so If she woke up she wouldn't freak out as much" adrain spoke up and that was final

"Them we all agree Jacob will get it" Emilio asked and everyone nodded their heads

He made his way into her room and we hoped he would be in and out quicky all of us watching from the doorway I couldn't help the excitement that the through my veins

He approached the bed at a slow pace and when he reached it he gently pulled a small strand of hair out she moved slightly and our hearts all stopped for a second but after a minute she was back to being out cold

He now had the strand in his hand but as he was making his way back he tripped over makeup bag laid out on the floor

She started waking up , he bolted out of there but then we saw the thing that rolled out of the bag from the door way

She has a knife

"Where'd she get a knife from?" I asked confused everyone shurgged shocked

"Who knows with her she seems to be hiding alot more than she let's on " adrain implies and I agree for all I know she could know

I wonder why she hasn't attempted to stab us with the knife

We all run off back to the dining room to get our DNA scientists in quickly and he was already here so that's good

She mustn't of fully woken up as we haven't heard anything mo racket or anything

"I still can't believe it might be her"  Emilio said with a joyful face

"Out of everyone it was her now that's what I find unbelievable" Killian said and I completely agree

"Sir the hair strand please" our scientist Ryan says and Jacob hand him the thin piece of hair

"I had my suspicions from the start" adrain admitted and I must say I did too

"She does look like our mum" I admitted and Emilio smiled at the thought

The doctor set up the test and said due to our fast pay and who we are it should only take 1-2 hours of waiting and although that's not very long for a DNA test I still couldn't wait

We still end up waiting though and in that time no one sat still everyone paced and turned

It was the longest 2 hours of my life

Summer's pov:

I heard a load of racket down stairs

Sounded like pacing and what made it even weirder it was nearly 4am now and I can't lie i was so confused

Killian had come in the room earlier we got in a small argument which may or may not have ended up with me against the wall surrounded by him


"You let him choke her fuck off stop thinking that I'll just forgive you" I yelled at him and he looked so annoyed

"I DIDN'T THINK HE'D DO THAT!!" he screamed and I flinched really hard before taking a step back

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