chapter 30 - them names

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Alexander's pov:

I see adrain , Killian and Jacob all walk into the meeting

Thank god they're on time.

They all sit besides me, Leonardo and Emilio anyone else sits on the other end

This meeting is to start planning his we're gonna take down the russian mafia and find out if they took out mother

We need to find her

"Boss we think we found the heirs name" one of our men tell us "what is it?" Killian asked in a rough tone

"His name's carter Ivani son of Denis Ivani and Emilia Ivani " another man read from a computer I was intrigued on where they got this information

"Where did you find this?" I asked

"I found information off a lady who said she used to work for him as a chef and has seen his evil tactics and torture on mostly women" he repeated to me and I was confused

"Where is this woman now?" Adrain asked leaning forward with his chin on his palm

"She's in the next room" a man spoke from the corner of the table

"Bring her in" Leonardo said and we all nodded agreeing

In less than a minute stood a woman around 60 clearly nervous and uncomfortable

"Don't be nervous ma'am we are not here to hurt you just want to ask some questions , please sit" Emilio said pulling out a chair besides him

He was the nicest so it was easier for him to handle these things

"Miss, what is your name?" Jacob asked she took a minute to answer before saying "Catherine, Catherine Jones"

"I am Emilio , what did you mean by torture any Pacific methods?" Emilio continued to question

"Oh well h-he used to torture men with the usual cuts, burns and then kill them but women he did the same but sometimes h-he'd-" she tried to speak but couldn't say it

"He'd?" Emilio asked in the softest voice he could muster up

"He'd touch them s-sexual without any concent and even sometimes he'd ra-" her voice broke as she tried to say it

"I know I think we all know what your going to say it's okay" Jacob attempted to reassure her

"Was there any girls names he did this too that you remember?" I said my voice not as soft but I wanted to know

I imagined that was my sister

It's evil one thing we do not do here is that

Thank god Izzy hasn't been in that position.

Summer either.

"Two girls that's the only two he really did it too but it wasn't a one time thing he tried many times but they were strong they'd fight him off they were only young teenagers they got hurt alot they were there for years he had kidnapped them" she waffled and I could tell everyone in the room felt something and that's not an often thing

"What were their names?" Leonardo asked his tone not soft at all I glare at him

He shrugs

"I know them but I'm sorry I cannot tell I was the only person they told the day they escaped and they made me promise I'd never tell anyone their names they didn't wanna be known as weak girls who were ra-" she said and I could tell they were all losing their patience

I send a warning face to all of them

"We need to know their names they'll know where about he lives , we are sorry about all they went through and that is disgusting but we need them names" Jacob said and the woman lets a tear escape her eye

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