chapter 28 - promises

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Isabella's pov:

I go to stand beside summer as they open the door

We walk into the living room it still being around 10pm

I see Leonardo sitting in the living room looking bored as fuck and then he looks up looking shocked

"Who the fuck did that to you two?" He asked getting his gun ready "unless you wanna kill your own cousins and besties I'd put the gun away" I said and he looked shocked

"What have you guys done?" He asked going to yell at them

"Don't start now I need to get summer stitches where's your doctor" I asked and summer screamed "DOCTOR?!" A guy ran down the stairs

"Yes ma'am" he asked and I shurgged saying "that was easy"

"She needs stitches on her arm" he nodded and grabbed his first aid kit summer goes to the couch and the doctor follows

"Ms ,you may need some cream for the burns and bruises so will she and the cut may not be deep for you but a plaster might be necessary" the doctor informed me and I nodded

Sitting in the chair he told me to sit in the boys walk in and adrain has a black eye , Killian a matching one , Alexander a bloody nose, Jacob a limped leg and Emilio had a cut lip

Leonardo still looked angry though

"Did you really have too?" I said Annoyed enough

"Yes you punched Killian" summer said joyfully looking at him

"I won the bet!!" I yelled and summer sighed

We made bet on who would win a fight Killian or Leonardo summer said Killian because he's annoyingly strong and I said Leonardo because he has anger issues

"I'll give your 20 quid later" summer said and whimpered as the doctor stitched up her wound

"Why'd they hurt you?" Leonardo asked in a rough tone

"Well we were having a meeting with adrain and morte-" Jacob said and I gave him a warning glare

"They're alive?!' Leonardo shrieked like a fan girl

Aww he's a fan

"Yeah and we got in a argument and hurt them and turns out Izzy and summer are diavola and morte"  Alexander said really fast and I got up

"YOUR SO DEAD!" I screamed what do they not understand about secrets

I ran after Alexander he ran off scared screaming and adrain and Leonardo both held me


"YOUR MORTE!!" Leonardo yelled and adrain let go off me

Leonardo was now approaching me.


"do you want me to be mad at you too?!" I yelled at Leonardo

"Do you not understand how dangerous that is!!?' he yelled at me and I just glared at him

"Why would you wanna be an assassin?"Alexander asked calmly coming out from behind Killian

"Because we had to survive somehow" summer said and everyone looked at confused

"We had to get off the streets" I said looking down Leonardo backed up and sighed

"You were on the streets?" Adrain asked and I closed my eyes trying to steady my breathing

"When?" Emilio asked

I shook my head and adrain came towards me once again trapping me against the wall

"When Izzy?" He asked getting to close for me too handle

"We were 14 now back away from her" summer said standing up

Adrain looked me in sorrow

"That reaction prove how much you don't know about us" summer said and passed me the cream for the burn "thanks" I said and sat down applying it as everyone watched in silence the doctor now gone

"Remember when me , you and Zoe did this together using the same old first aid kit after getting hurt " I said and summer laughed lifting the mood

"We made a laugh out of everything " summer said and I smiled thinking about it "we still do even at the verge of death we would" I said laughing light heartedly

I hear someone clear their throat and it was Jacob

I thought they left the room it was so silent

"We wanna talk" Alexander said looking down and I look at summer and she smiled rolling her eyes

"Go on" she said

"We're sorry we hurt you like that and we will try to never hurt anyone like that ever again , we will do whatever is needed too for your forgiveness" adrain said and I smirked

"We promise to never ever hurt you both again and yes we know we've broken promises before but we are swearing on our lives not to break this one" Killian then said and summer also smirked looking at me

"I am going to change and try not to be as strict and horrible I am just a very protective person and I'm scared to lose you guys again I swear I will try"  Alexander then said they all said it in such a miserable tone like they were embarrassed

I loved it.

"I already told you but I am so so sorry and I am changing I will and I will also help everyone else also keep their promises" Emilio said and everyone then looked to Jacob he looked extremely annoyed rolling his eyes

"Me too I just got angry in the moment and I am sorry for hurting you like I did , I won't ever do it again to anyone at all" he said and I smiled at all their little speeches

"Okay then your all forgive aslong as you keep you promises" I said and they all started cheering and I rolled my eyes at their excitement so did summer

This is gonna be fun.

I am so using this to my advantage to get away with things

"So we were thinking, do you really want to do diovala and morte anymore?" Leonardo looked at us hopefully

"No we are not quitting, it's the one thing that kept me going while we had nothing I'm not gonna throw that out the window like it's nothing" I said and he rolled his eyes but nodded

"How'd you get past the security?" Adrain asked me and I laughed

"It was easy you should really get better guard's " summer said and then Killian looked as though he got an idea

"I think we should take the girls too work with us tomorrow " he said and I looked at him confused

"Why would we do that?" Alexander asked

"Well they know how to fight why not let them be aware of where we work as they are staying with us forever they need to know how it works" he explained and I was intrigued I wanted to see this too

"Alright I think that's a good idea" Emilio agreed

"Okay so it's a plan the girls will come with us all to work tomorrow" Leonardo said and everyone nodded or said yes too agree

Tomorrows gonna be interesting.

Atleast we're getting out the house , that's a positive I guess.

Its been along day I just want bed.


Work with the boys tomorrow...

Sounds funn


Like always I love you all 💞💞

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