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Heya guys!!

First partis same as OS.

From next part the story will start!!!

Thank you for so much of love and support

Let's dive in.


Arohi is getting ready for her first day at work, marking the commencement of her journey as Dr. Arohi Goenka. This achievement has been a long-held dream, stemming from the profound impact of her mother, Mrs. Sirat Goenka's death. In the wake of that loss, Arohi made a solemn commitment to dedicate herself entirely, vowing to spare no effort in ensuring that no one else loses their life without her giving her absolute best.

With her head held high and a radiant smile gracing her face, she is bidding bye to her family, receiving their blessings and well-wishes.

"Aaru, I have no doubt that you will become one of the best doctors in India someday. If Mumma and Papa were still with us, they would undoubtedly be proud of you, especially Papa. You were his princess," Akshara affectionately expresses, gently caressing her younger sister's cheek. She understands the bittersweet emotions Aaru might be experiencing, recalling her own first day as a music therapist. Fortunately, Akshara finds solace in the fact that her younger sister is joining the same hospital, bringing immense joy to both.

Arohi embraces Akshara, sensing a glimpse of their mother in her actions and feeling a surge of motherly love. Despite being the youngest and the most pampered, Arohi acknowledges that a parent's love remains unwavering, an enduring constant at the end of each day.

Overwhelmed by the unwavering love between his sisters, Kairav moved forward, embracing both of them and planting affectionate kisses on their foreheads, his eyes glistening with tears.

"I am incredibly proud of you, Aaru," Kairav, their elder brother, expressed with lips trembling with emotion.

Arohi considered herself fortunate to catch glimpses of her father in her elder brother Kairav and her mother's essence in her elder sister Akshara.

Swarna, their beloved grandmother affectionately called Badi Mumma, playfully shielded the trio from any potential negativity in true Rajasthani style, warding off the evil eye with a series of "Thu thu thu."

Putting an end to the emotional moments, Manish Goenka, their cherished grandfather fondly referred to as Bade Papa, embraced Arohi. Planting a tender kiss on her forehead, he encouraged her to give her best, as she always had in her life. Swarna stepped forward, feeding Curd-Sugar, a symbol of purity and auspiciousness, a customary gesture before embarking on something new.

Filled with love from the farewell moment, she set off for Birla Hospital alongside her sister. After hugging Arohi one last time, Akshara headed to her department. Arohi, with a dreamy smile, looked around excited and nervous as she started moving forward. Lost in her thoughts, she accidentally collided with what she initially perceived as a wall. However, she soon realized it was a person as they swiftly caught her around the waist, preventing her from falling.

Indeed, the one who caught Arohi was none other than the handsome Mr. Abhimanyu Birla. Known for his no-nonsense attitude and workaholic nature, he typically kept smiles at bay and often sported a grumpy mood. However, something about the day had initially refreshed him. The collision with the girl, though, quickly reverted him to his grumpy state, aggravated by the fact that he couldn't see her face due to her hair covering it. Surprisingly, his heart began to beat faster, and even as a cardiologist, he found himself puzzled by the sudden acceleration of his own heart rate.

His hands absentmindedly brushed against her face, tucking strands of hair behind her ears and revealing a complete view of her face. Arohi, feeling no instability and secure in the moment, opened her eyes only to be met by his intense gaze. This caused her heart to skip a beat, but upon recognizing the person, her eyes widened, and she nervously bit her lips. "Today, you are gone for sure," she mumbled to herself, a sentiment that snapped Abhimanyu out of his trance. It was as if he had been watching a movie, attentively observing her every expression, from the widening of her eyes to the biting of her lips.

As Arohi regained her composure from the collision, she looked up and found herself standing in front of Mr. Abhimanyu Birla. The unexpected encounter left her flustered, and she quickly mumbled an apology, "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was going."

Abhimanyu, maintaining his stern demeanor, raised an eyebrow but couldn't help but notice the twinkle in her eyes, "Be mindful of where you're walking. This isn't a rom-com."

Sensing an opportunity for playful banter, Arohi, aware of his reputation for arrogance, responded with a mischievous grin, "Well, Mr. Grumpy, perhaps a touch of rom-com wouldn't hurt. It could lighten the mood around here."

"I don't have time for nonsense. I have patients to attend to.", Abhimanyu asserted.

"Patients and no smiles? That's a tragedy, Dr. No-Fun. Maybe a good laugh could be the best medicine.", Arohi remarked, shaking her head while observing him with curiosity.

Abhimanyu's stern expression softened for a moment, and he couldn't help but smirk, "I doubt laughter is a cure for heart conditions."

"You never know until you try! Anyway, I should get going. First day and all that.", Arohi declared before walking away. It was almost time to attend the orientation where head doctors would be assigned to each intern. Arohi silently hoped that Abhimanyu wouldn't be her mentor.

As she moved towards the orientation room, Abhimanyu couldn't help but glance back at her, his face displaying a peculiar blend of irritation and curiosity. "First day, and such an attitude. Let's see," he mused to himself.

The nurses, staff, and other doctors who observed the exchange were stunned. It was the first time they witnessed Abhimanyu expressing something other than his usual grumpiness.


That concludes it.

How was it?

I'd appreciate your thoughts.

Tomorrow, anticipate the arrival of the part! I will finish this book before venturing into the next one.

Stay tuned, my friends, as we delve deeper into this narrative!

Signing off,

Warm regards,


Cascade of Hearts - Abhirohi & Akshnav FSWhere stories live. Discover now