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"Passion is the only currency worth spending in matters of the heart."

Arohi read aloud the quote from the book, and upon hearing her words, Akshara and Arohi found themselves transported to another world.

As Arohi delved into the recesses of her thoughts, the memories of Abhimanyu played like a vivid montage in her mind. She couldn't help but recall the moment of their collision, the intensity in his gaze that seemed to transcend mere happenstance. The echoes of their bickering lingered, interwoven with the memory of his characteristic smirk, his undeniable arrogance, and the unexpected glimpses of his childish side. Surprisingly, every facet of his persona brought a genuine smile to her face. It had only been a day, yet Abhimanyu occupied an undeniable space in her mind. Shaking off the distraction, she refocused on her book, only to be captivated by another quote: 

"Life's clock ticks most meaningfully in the embrace of fervent love."

The words resonated, and once again, Dr. Abhimanyu Birla's face appeared before her, as if summoned by the universe.

Meanwhile, in a parallel universe of thoughts, Akshara found herself immersed in reflections of Abhinav. His caring gestures, the sparkle that lit up his eyes when he spoke about his siblings, and the underlying pain of missing his parents – all these elements had a magnetic pull on her. The connection deepened as they shared a common thread of longing for their parents. The mental image of Abhinav, busily decorating for his sister's birthday, lingered in her mind. The nervous yet endearing request for her help in adorning the birthday venue played back as if it were a proposal, causing her heart to skip a beat. Despite the subtle excitement and anticipation, a wide smile adorned her lips, reflecting the joy that his presence brought into her world.

"Aaru, Akshu, have milk before sleeping," Swarna, their grandmother affectionately called Badi Mumma, interrupted their reverie with a gentle reminder. The sisters, Aaru and Akshu, exchanged a knowing glance, each realizing that the other was grappling with a similar inner turmoil sparked by the Birla brothers.

With a subtle nod to Badi Mumma, Aaru and Akshu composed themselves, skillfully concealing the whirlwind of thoughts that had momentarily consumed them. In perfect unison, they took their respective drinks in a swift motion, as if participating in a race against time, all the while Badi Mumma lovingly advised them to savor their milk slowly, reminding them that there was no rush.

After finishing their drinks, the sisters retreated to their respective sides of the bed. Swarna bid them a good night, closing the door behind her. As the room fell into a quiet embrace, both Aaru and Akshu once again found themselves lost in the thoughts of their respective princes. Sleep gradually engulfed them, carrying them away to the realm of dreams.


Abhimanyu and Abhinav lay on their beds, their minds restless after the eventful day. Sleep seemed elusive, and in just a few hours, life had taken an unexpected turn, compelling them to delve deep into their thoughts and emotions.

In the stillness of the night, Abhimanyu and Abhinav found themselves tangled in a web of contemplation. The events of the day, the unexpected twists and turns, had left their minds in a state of unrest. With the room enveloped in a quietude broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves outside, the brothers couldn't escape the relentless pull of their thoughts.

Abhinav, lying on his back, stared at the ceiling as if seeking answers in its neutral expanse. His mind replayed the moments spent with Akshara—the warmth of her smile, the subtle connection they shared over the common pain of missing their parents, and the unmistakable spark in her eyes when they worked together on the birthday decorations. A range of emotions flickered across Abhinav's face, from joy to a twinge of melancholy. He pondered the implications of this newfound connection, questioning the unexpected turns life had taken in just a day.

Cascade of Hearts - Abhirohi & Akshnav FSWhere stories live. Discover now