Chapter 1 - Lucky Boy

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This story is not necessarily a slow burn but it does take a few chapters for the real sexual dynamic between characters to start happening. I play with a lot of dom/sub topics in this story, both hard and soft, so it's a nice read no matter what you prefer. I also aim to have something interesting (sexual) happen each chapter so that no chapter is boring. I do try to update this story often so feel free to keep checking back in every few days or so. Comments and votes are encouraged but other than that, happy reading!

NOTE: The actual femdom dynamic begins at Chapter 4.


Leo couldn't believe his luck. On a whim, he installed Tinder just to see if it was actually worth using. His last girlfriend had broken up with him a few months earlier and being lonely was really wearing him down. The first day using the app, he meets Malakai, a gorgeous girl he couldn't stop thinking about: blue eyes, black hair, plump lips, a beautiful face; pretty much his dream girl. Leo could tell she was a great girl- It's easy to tell when you click with someone. There's just one problem... They clicked TOO well, and Leo was unafraid to admit to himself that he was obsessed.

Leo glanced at his phone again, desperate to get a text from Malakai.

"Man" he groaned to nobody in particular, flopping lazily on his couch with his phone in hand. "I wish she'd answer."

He was thinking about her a lot lately. She was smart, beautiful, funny, and so incredibly sexy. Best of all, she seemed to show interest in him. She was flirty and very talkative- always a good sign. He'd had bad dates in the past and got a pretty bad vibe from them- they didn't say much. But Malakai was always texting him, never going more than an hour without responding to him when she wasn't working. She seemed like she really liked him so it was only a matter of time before he caught feelings- he just didn't expect for it to only take a few days. I mean, they liked a lot of the same things: same movies, same shows, a few bands, even some of the same books as him! How could he not be interested in someone so amazing? He found himself getting lost in thought again, thinking about the softness of her hair, the alluring shape of her lips, the tightness of her shirt around her chest...

He was jolted back to reality when his phone buzzed- a text!

"Hey Leo! I just got off work 😊" pinged the long awaited text from Malakai.

Leo grinned. His fingers started flying, eager to respond after waiting for so long. Although he had the day off at work today, she did not and he was a tad impatient about waiting to talk to her after her 9 hour shift- she didn't get much time to check her phone as a waitress.

"Nice! How was your shift?"




"Could've been better. $82 in tips. Less than yesterday, but not the lowest I've ever gotten!"

"Aww I'm sorry. If I were there, I would've given you a nice tip!"

"Stopp that's so cute 🥺"

"Only the best for you ;)"

"Leo you are so sweet... I'm glad I met you on that stupid app. You uninstalled it, right?"

Of course he did. They both seemed so infatuated with each other from day 1 that he uninstalled the app just hours after they first started talking.

"Definitely. I don't need it now that I have you <3"

"Me too. Also you're so flirty today 🥺 It's really cute"

"I just missed you a lot! I waited hoursssss"

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