Chapter 11 - Running Hot

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Leo was stuttering over his words so much he might as well not speak at all- he would've made more sense that way. His brain was completely fried at her touch, and he was learning that he loved feet way more than he thought he did. His body was on fire. The way she touched him with her feet like that drove him crazy. God, he loved her so much that anything she did to him at all turned him on immensely. 

"Someone's getting needy" Malakai teased, feeling him getting hard in his cage. "Its such a shame you don't have these to help you right now."

Leo looked up at her. In front of her, she dangled the keys to his cage, jingling them from their chain she wore around her neck in front of him with a mocking smile. She pushed and rubbed her feet against his crotch, giggling as he moaned and whimpered everytime she pushed against his balls. It didn't hurt (much), but the sensation of her just touching him in such a degrading way while he was still caged made him feel amazing even if the sensation itself wasn't very stimulating. Each push against his crotch made him gasp like she had just done it for the first time. 

"Poor little thing, all caged up like that." She teased with an insidious grin. 

Leo's mouth suddenly felt dry as a desert; he didn't know if she was talking to him or about his dick, but he didn't really care. Desperation and arousal churned inside of him like magma, threatening to explode. 

"Too bad we're all done." She said, starting to move her feet away from him. In an instant, Leo's mind panicked. His cock, despite being locked away securely, was rock hard and aching to be touched like never before. He was starting to sweat. Normally when she teased him, he could handle it and afterwards they could continue on with their day. This time felt different- he didn't know if he could wait...

"Please..." He whimpered as desperation and confidence manifested itself into his pleas. "Please just touch me!" His eyes were wild. He couldn't handle this teasing. 

Malakai stopped moving altogether. "What was that?" 

No turning back now. He had already asked for it. "Please I'm begging you! Please just touch me! I'll be a good boy! I just want to feel good now!"

Malakai clicked her tongue as if weighing the options. She was stone-faced.

"As much as I adore hearing you beg for me, baby, I don't think you've convinced me to take off that cage just yet." She looked downwards to his crotch, then back up to his eyes. "Keep talking, slut." Her eyes showed zero sympathy, and even less mercy, but here was a hint of amusement.

He knew he had already fucked up by asking her after she had said it wasn't happening, but the mistake had already been made. Time to commit- he was desperate.

"I'll be good for you, mommy! Please please touch me... I'm so fucking horny please uncage me just this once!" 

Malakai mulled it over for a moment. As she did, the room felt deathly quiet, as if his request had brought silence to the whole world. He heard nothing but his own quick breathing. After a few agonizing seconds, she spoke. 

"Okay." She said at last. "I'll take care of you... on one condition. Before I tell you that condition, you get to decide right now if you still want to be touched."

Desperate as he was, he blurted out his answer with barely any time to consider it. 

"Yes! Yes please anything."

Malakai's mouth turned upwards into a mischievous smirk. "Good boy." Her voice felt like velvet. "The condition is this: we stop when I stop. Understand?"

The weight of consequence suddenly felt much heavier on Leo's shoulders. "Yes ma'am". He started to shake in anticipation- or was it fear? 

She stood up and gently grabbed his shirt, pulling him off the couch. 

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