Chapter 9 - A Messy Christmas Gift

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Malakai and Leo stumbled into his apartment after a long day of Christmas shopping. They had finally gotten finished getting everyone's gifts and were now able to relax. The day before, they had decorated his apartment with a small tree, lights, and a wreath, among other small decorations scattered around the living room and kitchen. So, they were able to hang out in a festive environment, which they both enjoyed more than just an apartment. They came inside and removed their coats, shaking off the cold and putting the gifts on the kitchen table.

"Do you feel like wrapping presents tonight, cutie?" Malakai asked more cheerful sounding than normal- she, too, loved Christmas. She set down her bags of gifts on the counter to keep them separate from his.

"Not tonight." Leo grumbled. "I'm so tired after today. Dealing with people is exhausting."

Leo absolutely hated Christmas shopping, but it was a necessary evil for him since he did enjoy Christmas and needed gifts for his family.

"Tomorrow then?" Asked Malakai. "I'd be down to do it then."

"Yeah that works." Leo flopped onto the couch. "I just want to sit here for a little bit."

"Awwww is my baby boy all sleepy?" Malakai mocked him. He knew he was being made fun of, but he didn't care.

"Maybe just a bit. Going out and doing stuff near Christmas is a nightmare. I should've done some shopping last month but I always wait too long."

Leo looked up at her.

"Come cuddle meeeeeeeee" he groaned jokingly while flailing his arms. "Im colddddddd"

"One second you big baby." She responded. "I'm getting us a drink."

"Ooooh are you making my favorite?" Leo asked, suddenly feeling less tired

"You already know I am!"

"Yessssssss" he cheered softly "That's the stuff."

"You and your baby drinks. You need to take some shots. Drink literally anything higher than 10% alcohol."

"I refuse on the grounds of 'I don't wanna' "

"Whatever, baby man. Here's your drink" She said, bringing him his favorite alcoholic drink, a mix of pomegranate liqueur, rum, sparkling water, and lemon juice- he loved sour and fruity drinks. Malakai herself was partial to stronger drinks that made Leo gag just by smelling them, something that she loved to tease him endlessly for.

"You can keep your little girly drinky drinks whereas I will enjoy a refined glass of whiskey." She boasted with fake pompousness.

"I don't know how you can drink that." He jabbed non-seriously. "It's so fucking strong."

"Maybe for you. I, however, am what some might call 'awesome'. My blood is 50% alcohol."

"So you're just dead then. You can't live through that." He replied.

"I'm a dead girl walking." She chortled

"Nice reference, babe. Didn't know your name was Veronica."

"You learn something new everyday. Now scoot over I want to sit next to you."

He moved over a foot or so, allowing her to have the spot she wanted. They both took a sip of their drinks after a silly "clink". Even still, Leo cringed a bit at how strong the drink was. Needs less liqueur- perhaps more sparkling water?

"Want to watch something while we sit?" She asked after another sip of her whiskey.

"Maybe we just cuddle for a bit tonight?" Leo suggested. "I'm for sure gonna pass out if we put something on."

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