Homelessness/The Boy Who Steals Houses - Gerard & Mikey

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homeless! Gerard and Mikey break into an empty house to sleep in the beds. 

[A/N]: If you haven't read The Boy Who Steals Houses by C.G. Drews then you absolutely need to check it out! It's my second favourite book of all time :)

Gerard jiggled another hair pin in the keyhole, feeling around for the next pin in the slot. This would've been a whole lot easier if he still had his lock picks. Behind him, Mikey paced worriedly, his head bobbing from side to side. The younger boy paused to rock back and forth on the balls of his feet, scuffing his sneakers on the side of the house.

"Can you be a little quieter?" Gerard mumbled. The hair pin that he was holding in his mouth shifted from one side to the other when he spoke.

"Sorry!" Mikey whispered, moving to sit down behind the house. He resorted to drumming his finger on his thighs. Tiny clouds of steam escaped his parted lips as he breathed, the crisp night air freezing Gerard's fingers as he worked on the lock some more. 

Gerard sighed, shaking his head. He had no problem whatsoever with Mikey stimming, it was just a tad inconvenient when they were trying to break into a home at one o'clock in the morning. 

"Are you sure no one's home?" Mikey breathed.

"Course not," Gerard whispered. "The caravan's missing from the shelter thingy and there are like, three newspapers on the front lawn."

Naturally, Gerard had done heaps more recon before he even dared to jump the back fence of this house. He'd noted the empty space down the side of the building that ordinarily housed a caravan. He'd noted the absence of doorbell cameras or security alarms. He'd checked to make sure that there were no neighbours coming over to feed the cats. The owners of this house were absolutely and completely on a holiday of some sort.

Gerard never broke into occupied houses, of course. He tried to refrain from stealing, too, unless it was absolutely necessary. All he wanted was a safe, warm bed for him and Mikey to share, a respite from the harsh reality of the streets they faced in the daytime. They only ate the food and slept in the beds. The Way brothers were like dark-haired Goldilocks', of sorts.

"Gotcha," Gerard muttered, a sly smile creeping up his face as the door fell open. He ushered Mikey inside, pulling the door behind them with a quiet click. "No lights," he reminded Mikey. If Mikey decided to accidentally flip on a light switch, well... it wouldn't be the first time.

"Okay," Mikey whispered excitedly. They crept through the kitchen, opening drawers and cupboards. Gerard winced when the sound of rattling cutlery echoed throughout the empty home.

"Shh!" He urged, gently taking Mikey's hand and guiding him away from the kitchen. "Let's find a room."

He silently led Mikey down the hall, peering in doorways until they found a small bedroom. Gerard could tell that this home belonged to an elderly couple; perhaps this used to be one of their kids' bedrooms before they grew up and moved out.

"Come on, take off your shoes," Gerard said, drawing back the top cover. He and Mikey never slept under the sheets of the beds they borrowed. Besides, Mikey hated the restrictive feeling of being tucked underneath multiple blankets, anyway. Mikey took off his glasses, handing them to Gerard before nestling into the bed. Gerard kicked off his own shoes, climbing on top of the duvet. He wrapped a comforting arm around Mikey's skinny body, resting his younger brother's glasses on the bedside table.

"G'night, Gerard," Mikey mumbled. Gerard patted his brother's shoulder.

"Night," he whispered back. "Sweet dreams."

It didn't take long for Mikey to doze off, and once Gerard was positive that the younger boy was sleeping soundly, he ventured back into the hallway. He and Mikey were running low on cash and he ought to scour the bedroom drawers for anything of potential value. Gerard only did this when they were truly running low, and besides, these people could afford a holiday.

Gerard slid the last drawer shut, only having found some cash inside a trinket box. He didn't dare take the jewellery that accompanied it, imagining all the memories that the lady of the house probably had tied to it. He silently snuck back into the spare bedroom, resuming his position beside Mikey. He allowed his sleepy eyes to flutter shut, a restless sleep washing over him as the clock struck two.

Gerard Way/ MCR OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now