Fucking insensitive cunts. - high school! Frank vs. Bullies

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hish school! Frank puts some misogynistic, insensitive losers in their place

Trigger Warning: mentions of rape, implied past rape/sexual assault. Implied/referenced self harm. 

Frank lazily scribbled in the margins of his notebook, sketching little doodles of ghosts and flowers. Gerard sat beside him, looking marginally more interested in the lesson unfolding on the whiteboard ahead. Behind them, the boys talked; Bailey, Luke, and Zach sniggered and chortled, an endless chorus of misogyny and blatantly out-of-pocket 'dark humour' carrying over their desks and to Frank's ears. The teacher droned on, oblivious to the chatter going on up the back.

"I mean look at Frank," Zach joked, "he's rapeweight."

Frank's ears pricked up at the mention of his name and he wrinkled his nose in disgust, glancing at Gerard. His best friend had heard it too, evidently, and shook his head at Frank. Don't give them a reaction, he was trying to convey.

But it was too late. Frank was turning around in his seat, shooting a glare at the trio of teenagers behind him.

"What the fuck is rapeweight," he spat, staring at Zach with disgust.

"Like, when you're so small," Zach explained, chuckling. "Easy to rape."

The other boys sniggered in unison, and Frank felt his ears turn pink, his cheeks heating up.

"What a genuinely fucked thing to say," he said angrily, his voice sounding a little higher than he'd liked.

"Calm down, Frank," Luke said, sounding bored. "It's just a joke."

Frank's eyebrows met in the centre of his forehead, and he discreetly swatted away Gerard's comforting hand on his side.

"No, because you don't know a thing about rape," he spat, glaring at the group. "How would you like it if someone made that joke about you?"

"But you're one of the guys," Zach protested. "It'd be different if I said it about a girl."

"Guys can get raped too!" Frank retorted. "I've heard you making that argument all the time whenever a girl talks about rape. Face it, you don't care about rape victims at all."

"I've never said that," Zach said defensively.

"Not you. Bailey," Frank huffed, nodding at the pale, skinny boy in the corner. He was a known porn addict, his behaviour reminiscent of the nerd emoji personified.

"Well yeah, of course guys can get raped," Bailey said, his nasally tone ringing out so loud that Frank was surprised no one else had been attracted to the conversation yet. "But Zach was making a joke. That's just how guys talk to one another. You can't tell me that you haven't seen straight guys pretending to be gay all the time. It's funny."

"But I was talking about how whenever a girl talks about rape or abuse, you always chime in with 'but guys can get raped too,' when you clearly don't give a fuck about guys actually getting raped. Just face it, you're trying to take away from rape victims' credibility."

"Just shut the fuck up, Frank," Zach groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It was a joke."

Frank sighed, turning around in his seat. Ignore them, he told himself. It was just so hard; guys like that made him so fucking pissed. They had no idea what he'd been through, how dare they say something like that? Beside him, Gerard was offering him a sympathetic look, but Frank shrugged him off. He returned to his notebook, sketching a myriad of horizontal lines in red pen, adding little beads of blood to them. It would be so hard not to replicate that pattern on his skin when he got home.

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