Chap.11-among us logic 9

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A light turned on and showed Veteran without his crown and he also sees three visors.

Player said "Alright bub, we're the last four players remaining."

The light showed that the three visors are MrCheese Player and blue Y/n. "And we're on to you, you better start talking."

MrCheese said "You're going to sing like a little Canary. Tweet tweet."

Y/n said "I'm telling you both he's innocent."

Veteran said "Listen to Y/n, you got the wrong guy. Where am I? What's going on..."

Before you can finish Player slapped him in the face.

Player said "I'll be asking all the questions around here pal. Alright first question..."

MrCheese asked "What's your favorite color?"

Veteran replied confused "Uh, yellow."
MrCheese said "Wrong answer pal."

Y/n said "MrCheese, that was the right answer."

MrCheese just ignored him and slapped Veteran across the face "Ow, dude."

Player said "Hey, MrCheese. Uh, quick sidebar."

MrCheese said "Oh yeah, sure thing."

They both turn around for a sidebar.

Player said "Okay. First off MrCheese, you're doing great." He gave a thumbs up,

MrCheese said "Yeah, thanks, I definitely thought so."

Player said "Just got a couple notes for you is all."

MrCheese said "Uh-huh."

Player said "Okay, first, your questions need to be about the murders because we're trying to find out who the killer is."

MrCheese said "Oh yeah, right, right, right. Good note, good note."

Player said "And second, before we went into this we kind of agreed that you would be the good cop and I would be the bad cop."

MrCheese said "Yeah, but I want to be the bad cop. I'm sort of a loose cannon that plays by his own rules."

Player said "Okay, fine, I was really looking forward to it but I will switch and be the good cop and you can be the bad cop."

MrCheese said "Great idea Player.

They both turned back around to Veteran.

Player said "Sorry about that Veteran, it's been a stressful game for everyone I think, we just want to ask you a couple of questions in order to get to the bottom of this. Can I get you anything? A water? Coffee perhaps?"

Veteran said "Uh, no thanks."

Y/n said "Wow, you both slapped him in the face and you think a cup of coffee is going to fix that."

MrCheese said "How about I bring you a nice warm glass of goat's milk? Mmm, delicious."

Veteran said "Ew. Why would you warm up goat's milk?"

MrCheese said "Well, I didn't intentionally, it's been sitting in my car all day."

Player said "We're gonna need another sidebar. Y/n you're included."

Y/n said "Fine." All three turned around.

MrCheese asked "What's up partner?"

Player said "MrCheese, the whole good cop bad cop routine only works when there's one good cop and one bad cop."

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