29 | Damsel in Distress

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Here we go!!

Chapter 29: Damsel In Distress

I crept stealthily past the theater room, peeking in through the window to see if anyone was practicing.

No one.

I continued on my mission, determined to move like Mrs James Bond.

My heavy backpack banging against my back slowed me down slightly. And my shoes were still a bit wet from the beach last night, so each step made rubbery squeak sounds like Spongebob.

But in my mind, I moved just like James. I too like a vodka martini shaken and not stirred.

Focus Millie, you have a damsel in distress to rescue.

I reached the costume closet and looked down the hallway, to my left and then to the right. Coast was clear. I extended my hand and felt the cool metal of the door handle in the palm of my hand. I twisted it and pushed. Nothing.

I pulled. Nothing.

I pushed. And pulled. And pushed. And pulled.

Ok, I'm going to need a new plan.

I walked backwards to rewind back to the theater room and stopped in front of the window. Still empty.

"Perfect," I whispered, pushing the doors opened.

They never locked the theater room. I walked towards the stage, passing the endless rows of empty, brown chairs. I thought about my last mathlete competition here. What a disaster that was.

Technically, we had a smaller math competition tomorrow which I wasn't ready for. I really need to study for that tonight. But then again, I can't do worse than last time, can I? They'll probably bench me for most of it anyway.

Focus Millie. These action-oriented rescue plans weren't my forte, but I needed to get to Luke.

I crawled and climbed onto the stage, feeling the weight of my backpack swing up to knock me in the back of my head. I arched my back, so the bag fell back down and the straps weighed heavily on my shoulders. I went backstage and poked around for the door that would lead to...

Aha, the costume closet.

It was unmarked but I knew exactly what it was. I pushed it open and... it opened.

The smell of musty, dusty clothing wafted into the air and I perused the selection of crazy outfits, thinking through which one would best serve my purpose. I was torn between an elf outfit and a chicken suit.

I grabbed a black trash bag and stuffed my costume in there. Within a few minutes, I was out of the theater room and running to my destination.

I hurried out of school and turned right, following the building round to the athletics department. I figured fewer people would see me lugging a giant trash bag if I walked around the school than through it.

Only, I didn't expect to bump into him.

Austin Taylor was leaning against the brick wall of the school building, with one sneaker up against it. He was alone. His head was lowered and, in his left hand, he held a joint. He raised it against his lips and inhaled.

Dark, moody, rebellious. That side of Austin that comes out once in a while.

I tried to walk as quietly as I could past him, without him noticing.

Squeak, squeak, squeak.

Austin heard and saw me within seconds. He glanced over and raised his eyebrows in surprise, smoke from his joint exhaling through his nose. "Millie?"

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