chapter 4

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ALORA FOUND HERSELF IN A NEVER ENDING POOL OF WATER, the waves lapping over and over again. The girl couldn't swim very well, especially in rough waters, and soon found herself enveloped under the water.

She sunk deeper and deeper, unable to escape. When she hit the ocean floor she didn't feel a strain on her lungs, all of a sudden she could breathe. she looked around frantically and saw none other than Percy Jackson.

He didn't seem able to see her as he stood in the water. A voice came through the water that was clear to Aloras ears. It spoke directly to her.

"Who is he? the son of the sea.
Show Percy Jackson who he will be."

Frantically Alora woke up, falling onto her bed harshly as she panted for air. She did not know what to do with the information she just received.

If she was right, which she undoubtedly was, her prophecy was telling her who Percys father was and on top of that, it was telling her she must be the one to help him be claimed.

She did not know what to do. If she went to Chiron he would just tell the girl she must not push the gods, and she certainly could not tell Percy after what he had been through recently and considering today was his first day at camp.

She decided to clear her thoughts by heading to the archery training at camp. Although everyone underestimated Alora, they were all aware of her incredible archery skills. If she were more connected to her surroundings then others may have feared her more.

She stood with the bow held tightly in her hand and the flaming arrow sitting on top. She took a deep breath, feeling the direction of the wind, before letting go and hitting right on the target.

"Nice shot," A voice came from behind her, making her jump slightly. It was Luke and Percy was there with him. She blushed when she realised they were watching.

"Thank you," she said as she moved aside to let Percy try it out.

"A good source of glory are feats of skill." Luke told the boy while handing him a bow. "So we gotta figure out what you're good at."

"I wanna be very clear about this, I've never done anything like this before and it looks super dangerous." Percy warned the group.

"And you never killed a minotaur before either, til you did." Luke had a point there, alora had to give that to him.

They watched as Percy took the bow and slowly placed the arrow on it, denying it to be lit on fire. Just as he was about to shoot, Alora stopped him.

"You might want to turn it this way a little." She walked over and reached over his shoulder, tilting the bow slightly. Percy froze up at the close contact, before muttering a quick 'thanks' and releasing the arrow.

Percy fell when doing so, changing the direction of the arrow. It shot in the direction of training campers, who all quickly dropped to the floor and screamed. Alora laughed to herself quietly.

"Should I try again?" Percy asked cautiously.

"No!" the group of campers from the floor called.

"Probably best you try something else," Alora told him as he stood up.

"You made it look so easy." Percy complained as she walked with him and Luke to find out what he was good at.

They tried sword making where Percy, somehow, caused a fire before going to lunch. Due to being the only person in her cabin, Alora usually sat with Luke or Annabeth at their tables. That was when she was awake at this time.

"Is there a greek god of disappointment?" Percy asked sarcastically from his spot beside Alora at the table. "Maybe someone should ask him if he's missing a kid."

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