chapter 8

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ALORA FELT LIKE SHE HAD BEEN IN THE WOODS FOR YEARS. The groups only path that was not on the bus was through the woods. She decided against telling anyone about what Alecto had offered her, it wasn't what was important right now. Alora was starving, never having got the snacks that Annabeth was meant to get, but at least she could float and save her feet from hurting.

"It's not fair that you can do that." Percy pouted in jealousy, his feet were extremely sore. The girl rolled her eyes at him, shoving her shoulder into his.

"Somewhere up ahead, this turns into a satyr path." Grover tells the group as they walk along, in Aloras case float.

"What's a satyr path?" Percy asks in curiosity.

"It's a road through the wilderness. Satyr explores use them. Harder to track us."

"That's great, but if we stay in the wilderness how are we gonna find a phone?"

"What's a phone?" Alora asks in confusion.

"What would we need a phone for?" Annabeth turns around slightly from her spot in front of them all.

"To call camp." Percy answers both girls questions. "To get help."

"We don't need help." Annabeth continues to lead the group. "We're fine."

"We're fine?" Percy scoffs, an argument waiting to happen. "We haven't even gotten to Trenton, and we're wandering through a forest. I didn't even know they had forests in New Jersey, but we've found one. I would say we're the opposite of fine."

"We were sent on a quest by the oracle, by the gods." Annabeth didn't look back."What'd you think, it'd be easy? It's supposed to be hard. That's why only certain people are chosen. If we call camp, we're basically saying it was a mistake to choose us."

Grover and Alora looked between the two before at each other, knowing this wouldn't end well.

"I'm completely comfortable with that." Percy shrugged. "Everyone makes mistakes."

"Why are you so afraid of who you are?" They finally stopped walking, Annabeth turning to Percy.

"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"You know what's interesting about this particular satyr path is it's actually the one my Uncle Ferdinand took when he set out on his own quest." Grover tried to break the fight up but his attempts were ignored by percy.

"What's that supposed to mean, afraid of who I am?" Percy pushed on the subject. "I'm not afraid."

Alora sighed, looking between them both. She knew she would be brought into this soon enough.

"Yes, you are." Annabeth nodded. "You aren't just a kid. 'Just a kid' doesn't do what you did to Clarisse back at camp. 'Just a kid' doesn't have Hades sending top lieutenants to retrieve them. You know you are part of something so much bigger than we can understand right now. We have to move forward whether you like it or not, whether you want to or not."

"You don't want to call camp, fine." Percy sighed. "But at least let's call your mom."

Alora knew this struck a nerve for Annabeth. All she ever wanted to do was go on a quest to prove herself and asking her mom for help would be the opposite of that.

"Excuse me?" Annabeth asked as if she had heard it wrong.

"Athena? Your mother." Percy repeated. "I'd call my father, but we aren't exactly on speaking terms. You know, because of the lifelong neglect and all, but you and your mother seem close. So why don't we ask her for help?"

The more Percy spoke, the more Alora wished he couldn't.

"Lora, grover, will you tell your friend to pull himself together?" Annabeth turned to the silent pair, who looked conflicted between the two.

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