chapter 22

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ALORA DIDN'T KNOW HOW BEING DEAD WORKED, but she sure hoped that it meant you don't feel much anger as she was dragged through the long line of dead people by Percy. If they could feel anger, she sure hoped they weren't able to reach her when she got back to the upper world.

"I'm so sorry!" The brunette squeaked as she accidentally shoved into another person with her hand still latched onto Percys, who was muttering excuses to the people they shoved through. "You look really good for a dead person!"

"Lora!" Annabeth hissed at the unintentional backhanded compliment. "You can't say that."

"Why not?" she furrowed her eyebrows and annabeth just sighed.

"This seems so wrong." Grover groaned from behind Alora as they shover through more people.

"Nah," Percy said nonchalantly, "only suckers wait in line."

"I'd happily be a sucker if it meant all these dead people stopped looking at me weird." Alora grimaced as they squeezed through a gap between to people.

"You know, you should really spend some time in the city with me." Percy said as he turned to face the girl who nodded happily. "I think you'd learn a lot."

When Percy turned back they were stopped in their tracks, being face to face with Charon. Alora latched onto Percys arm now, fear consuming her.

"You're not dead." Charon stated, making Alora fight the urge to call him captain obvious due to her utter fear of him.

"I mean..." Percy trailed off before lifting his arms into a shrug, with Alora still clinging like a koala. "We're all dying... to some extent."

"And you didn't pay to cross." Charon sighed, started to walk away.

Wait!" Grover stopped him, "we can pay! we can pay!"

"Here. Drachmas." Percy said, trying to take some from Grover. "Just take, you know just take them all."

The boy held them out in the hand that Alora wasn't stuck to when Charon pulled out a whistle. He blew into it and no noise came out, making Alora scrunch her face up in confusion.

"You can buy a new whistle." Percy attempted further.

Suddenly, a growl was heard in the distance and giant footsteps were approaching. Alora widened her eyes in realisation.

"On second thought," she piped, beginning to back away as the footsteps became louder, "i think we're gonna head out."

The growling soon turned into barking and Cerberus, the three headed dog, came into view. The four took off quickly, alora finally letting go of Percy and her flight or fight taking control. Although they were running as fast as they could, Cerberus managed to scoop up Grover in one of its mouths.

"Grover!" Percy called out in panic.

"Guys, that way!" Annabeth shouted and pointed to the right, making Alora and Percy change direction although she ran straight ahead. This confused Cerberus and it tripped over its own feet.

Percy and Alora came to a halt when they realised the dog had stopped, but were unable to see anything due to the fog. Percy unsheathed his sword and Alora presses on the emerald of her necklace, making it solidify into its bow, both on guard and ready for the dog to attack.

Instead of being eaten alive, they heard Cerberus whimper as it finally came into view. They were confused on why the attack didn't come until they spotted Annabeth clinging to the side of the dog, scratching its neck. One of the three head yawned and the dog lay down, seemingly falling asleep.

"Lucky." Alora muttered in jealousy, turning her necklace back and putting it around her neck.

From one of the mouths, Alora swore she coukd hear muffled calls. She seemed to be right, as grover tumbled out of the lips, covered in dog saliva. The girl had to cover her mouth and swallow her laughter.

"You... are a bad... bad dog!" Grover panted and Alora snorted quietly.

"Guys!" Annabeth called out, reminding them of her situation, "I can't hold this forever!"

"Can you fly us up there with your shoes?" Percy asked Grover as Cerberus let out a snore.

Alora couldn't help but let out a quiet 'aw' at that, which only made her receive weird looks from both her friends.

Grover shook his head in response to Percy, doubting himself.

"You can do this." Annabeth said supportively. "One at a time. Take Alora first."

"Ally, go." Percy said as alora was about to protest. She looked at him and he nodded reassuringly, "go."

"Maia." Grover called out as Alora held onto his arms. Once she reached the top, she rushed to the edge and watched as Grover carried Percy up.

Just as Percy reached the cliff, Annabeths shoe slipped and she was left hanging as Cerberus awoke and began growling.

"Annie!" Alora shouted in worry as she heard the chains rattling, unable to see through the fog and knowing she could do nothing to help from her spot.

Suddenly, the red squeaky ball from earlier was thrown up to the cliff and Alora caught it quickly. She squeaked it in confusion, waiting for something to happen. After a few seconds, Cerberus jumped up in attempt to get the ball, making Alora fall backward into Percy who caught her gently. When Cerberus had returned down, the three quickly made their way to peer over the edge.

"Guys?" Annabeth called out, making the three run to where she was hanging by a tiny ledge. They wasted no time in pulling her up and Alora tackled her in a hug.

After she pulled away, Annabeth picked up the red ball from the ground, squeaked it and launched it into the River Styx with Cerberus chasing after it.

"Wow," grover said in shock, "that was really.. I mean how did you..."

"My father had a dog when I was little." Annabeth shrugged and Aloras eyes lit up.

"I want a dog!" She said excitedly. "I don't know how Chiron would feel about it but..."

"Oh wow.." Percy breathed out, making the three realise he had walked away to the other side of the ledge. "Look at that."

Alora turned quickly to stand with Percy and her face dropped at what she saw. A couple hundred meters away was a huge, dark castle that hung upside down, as if gravity didn't affect it.

"Hades' palace."

"That's where he'll be keeping the master bolt." Annabeth stated surely. "And your mom."

"Oh no." Grover sighed in worry as he rummaged through his pockets. "My pearl. I lost my pearl. I think it's... it's in the dog."

Alora's heart sank. They were down to three pearls and that wasn't enough to get the four of them home as well as Percy's mom. She told herself then and there, if it came down to it, she would stay behind. She wasn't going to let any of the people she cared about so much do so, and she knew how Percy loved his mom, so to her it was the logical choice.

"What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know." Annabeth answered quickly. "But if we don't move, it is not gonna matter. Come on."

Alora looked at the path ahead of them and begrudgingly followed behind Annabeth.

"Great," she muttered in annoyance. "More walking."

em speaks:

new chapter whoop whoop! guys what is revising?? idk her??? in all seriousness i should be revising but i physically can not and i got a rush of motivation so the choice was pretty clear.... anyways get excited for my leo valdez fic coming soon!!! hope yall are having a great day love ya!!💞

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