Good Decisions

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Dear Amara,

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Dear Amara,

I loved listening to your album! We all watched your interview with Caesar and you were totally right! The songs about Finnick were definitely the best. And yes, I do mean both of them. Does he know how you really feel?



Dear Annie,

He can never know.



Mags' frantic call of his name had Finnick stumbling out of his room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen as he tried to pull on his shirt. Mags, who was staring out the kitchen window, stood completely still as she looked out at the guests coming up the front window.

"I'm stuck," he said. Mags turned and laughed. In his sprint to get downstairs, he had accidentally stuck his head through the arm whole. Mags helped him redress and then combed her fingers through his hair right as the doorbell rang.

Mags stepped forward to get it, but he could see the fear in her eyes, so he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, and walked over to the door.

Coriolanus Snow stood on the other side like he was an expected guest. He was smiling and even held out a bottle of wine.

"A house warming gift," he said. The only reason Snow stood out so much was the crazed look in his eye. That was the only indication that Snow was the horrible president they all despised so much.

"I've lived here for four years," Finnick pointed out, but Snow just shrugged.

"I haven't visited yet," he said, and invited himself inside.

"President Snow," Mags greets with a polite nod. Snow gives her a tight smile.

"I require a word with Mr. Mackabee."

Mags and Finnick exchange a look.

"He's not here." They say in unison. Snow looks between both of them before sighing and settling in on the couch.

"I can wait."

Finnick feels the a lump in his throat start to grow.

"What do you want to talk to him about?" he asked quietly. Snow glanced up at him and grinned. Finnick was sure he could see the remnants of blood on his teeth. So the rumors were true.

"Oh," Snow drew out with a wicked grin, "just business."

Finnick tried to swallow the lump in his throat.

"I'll go find him," he finally managed to squeak out. He slipped the bottle of wine into Mags' hands and ran out the door.

It didn't take long for Finnick to find him. After all, there were only a few places he frequented. He tried for the shop first, but when he ran through the door, it was Mr. Cresta standing behind the desk. He smiled broadly at Finnick.

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