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It was pouring rain, and we were waiting on Kai for this fight, when it started. "Skylor, master of amber, versus Jacob, master of sound. Fight!" Skylor had a spear and ninja mask (where did she even get that?) and Jacob had some sort of stringed instrument. "Fight!" Chen yelled, as the blind man played his instrument to get a feel for the room. Echolocation who? 

"Eenie, meenie, minie, mo, catch a jade blade by its toe!" She threw her spear into a vase, shattering the china. It revealed a bow and some arrows. She snuck around, managing to get behind Jacob, and fired an arrow. 

Jacob grunted and dodged, just managing to miss the arrow. He ran around, and ducked again, narrowly dodging the second arrow. The third he jumped on, and send a high pitched sound wave out, breaking another vase from his perch on the second arrow. We all covered our ears, especially me. The air was vibrating so much that my ears were killing me. "The master of sound's gotten stronger since I last saw him." He threw shirikins at her, and she did a side flip to avoid them all. 

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Don't mean to block your view. Just passing through." Kai said, stepping on everyone's toes. I facepalmed silently. He couldn't have gone around them? 

"Sorry, all of these temples look the same. Did I miss anything?" 

"Argh, my the looks of it, you didn't miss much." All of the other masters were glaring daggers at Kai for stepping on their feet, as they should. "Maybe we shouldn't be sitting together. I mean, the more they think we're a team, the more they're going to gang up on us. And with y/n on our side, they're going to target her too." I shrugged. It wouldn't be the first time I was targeted. I cannot tell you how many obsessive fans my father has, and those fans tend to go after me in one way or another. Either to sleep with me, or to get to my father through me. 

"Don't say that. We are a team. Sure we just lost Cole, and we still can't find Zane, but we have y/n helping us. We're still a team, just smaller. All the more reason to stick together."

"Lets just hope people won't gang up on us because of it." I mutter. 


"I mean, think about it. All of the other master have been trying to get to know you guys, and I'm the only one letting them know me. They see that, and they're going to see you guys as cocky. People that think they're better than everyone else. It's going to come back to bite you all in the ass later." 

"You've been talking with other masters?"

"Of course. They don't seem that bad, and it helps if they don't hate all of us. I actually get along pretty well with Tox. Our elements are both gas-based after all." Kai looked down.

"Oh, Skylor's fighting." 

"Yeah." I spoke. "She's doing pretty good at it too." 

"Oh. Good for her."

"Woah, why are you sounding so passive? Just the other day you seemed head over heels for her." 

"Well, that was before I knew Cole liked me too."


"Yeah, I was convinced he wasn't into me, so I was trying to move on. She's pretty don't get me wrong, but then Cole confessed he likes me, and... Well..."

"Hey, congrats man. Although, I had no clue you were into guys too." The way he worded that was a little weird, but I couldn't think of a better way to word it. 

"Yeah, I've been hiding that for ages." 

"Even more reason to try and find Cole and Zane." 

Jacob blew some darts that went through the wall, letting in a breeze, and outside sounds. Oh, I see what she's doing. She's obscuring his vision. She runs to the last vase and breaks it, releasing the blade, and we all cheer, Kai a little louder than the others. We look at him. "What? She seems like a cool person." I shrug. 

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