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We were high up in the sky, chilling in a blimp, and tensions were super high, like we were. 

"What are you looking at, zippy?"

"The next one out of the tournament." Jay laughed, unamused. Lloyd was looking out the window, silent. I didn't try and strike up a conversation, mostly cause I don't know what I could say. 

"Why so scared to show us your back shadow? Worried we're gonna find a tattoo and know you're working for Chen?" 

"I hope this next fight is between you and me, because I'm gonna put you on your back." 

"Kinky." I muttered. Lloyd looked at me, confused. "It was an intrusive thought." I admitted, a little ashamed of myself. Mr. Pale wolf whistled at Skylor. 

"Do you mind?" Yeah, that wasn't cool. 

"Tensions are high." 

"Yeah, but not as high as we are." I looked out the window with him. "I can hardly see the island from up here." I brushed a bit of hair behind my ear as I peered down. 

"Imagine the adrenaline rush you'd get from falling this high." 

"Of course, you'd say that like it's nothing. I mean, being the master of wind and all, you'd probably be fine jumping that." I look at him, and notice his face is a little red. I chuckled. 

"Yeah." I think I make him nervous. I think he likes me, and I also think he doesn't know what to do with this crush of his, so I guess it's up to me to make a move. Not now though, maybe when we're alone. 

"I've had enough of this!" Neuro said anxiously. "I can't stand heights! Where's Chen?" He opened the cockpit to see...

It's empty.

We're operating on autopilot. 

Neuro all but screamed, and we crowded around as the monitor lit up. Chen came super close to the camera, and I laughed a little as his inadequacy with technology. "How do I know if this thing's on? Oh, oh, oh, I see the light. Oh, oh! I'm on?! Right now?" I was trying so hard to keep it together. Chen cleared his throat a couple times. "Hello final nine! I see you're all eager for the tournament to commence so one of you can win my staff of elements." I'm eager to see this man flat on his ass after a beating, but I guess that's just me. "Instead of fighting for a jade blade, today you will be fighting for something different." The camera changed to Nya in the forest. 


"You know her?"

"She's my sister." 

"We have an uninvited guest on the island."

"She must be holding the proof that will stop Chen." 

"Find her and you will automatically move on-"

"The spell he plans to use when he takes all of our powers." 

"To the final round!" 

"He wants us all to hunt him down? She won't stand a chance!" 

"Then we have to find her before anyone else does." The ninja, Skylor and I put on our hoods. (I made mine in some free time I had, and Lloyd seemed so excited when I showed it to him.) 

"In ten seconds the bottom will drop." All the masters except me gasped. I'd be fine. "But to show you I' m not a bad man, I've given you eight parachutes." The bottom started to drop as the others scrambled to get one. "Wait, there are nine of you, right? And sensei garmadon is there? Shoot that makes ten. Oh well, I was never good at math. Heh. Toodle-oo!" 

"That guys love of trap doors is really getting on my nerves!" Lloyd shouted, holding a parachute, and trying to stay in. I winked at him, and did a mock salute, diving out. All I heard were screams since I didn't bother with a parachute. 

"Does she have a death wish?!" 

"Y/n!" I giggled, feeling the wind around me, whistling in my ears, quickly followed my screams as the others fell out, all trying to grab parachutes. I was smiling as I fell, and I was right about the adrenaline rush! It was amazing! Masters started to grab parachutes, and soon enough, there were only three of us falling, with four parachutes left. 

"Use your energy dragon!'

"I can't get it to work!" 

"Your powers don't work because you aren't controlling your fear! Focus!" Mr pale grabbed one, and now there was only three left. I was having fun with the free fall, and I could catch myself oin an air cushion no problem. "Control your fear! Don't let it control you! Center yourself!" I went up to Lloyd, and grabbed his hand. I gave it a gentle squeeze and winked at him. 

"You've got this green bean." Kai and Neuro got one each, and now there was one. I let go of Lloyd's hand with one last bit of encouragement. "I believe in you." I let go and let myself fall faster, the ground getting close. I saw Lloyd push the parachute to his father, and I landed on an air cushion. I stood there, ready to catch Lloyd, when he summoned a dragon of pure energy.  I stood there, my mouth wide open, as he got off it. Okay, fuck this, I'm giving into impulse. 

I walked over to him and turned him to face me. He grabbed my hand as it cupped his face. "Are you alright?" I lifted his mask and kissed his cheek and pulled him in for a hug after. He squeaked as I lifted him up, laughing a little with me after. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I spun him around. He pulled back as I stopped. He muttered something that despite our close proximity, I didn't catch.

"What was that?" He muttered it again. "Sorry, you're going to have to speak up-"

"I want to kiss you." I blinked. 

"What's stopping you?"

"Consent?" I giggled and kissed him on his lips, before setting him down. 

"Next time, just go for it, okay?" He nods, red in the face. The sound of an announcement made us jump away from one another as his father came close to us. 

"Hail combatants, I have left you a few treats to aid you on the hunt. I hope you use them wisely! Clouse! Why have I never had a mobile base? It's my new favorite toy! There's so many buttons and surprises!" He laughed and the sound cut out. 

"If we're going to find Nya before the others do, we've got a lot of ground to cover."

"Look! Nya's footprints." 

"Huh? Nya's more clever than that. No, she wanted everyone to follow these tracks. But only us to see this." he pointed to a carving in the tree. "Her samurai X symbol." 

"Can I give you a lift?" Lloyd said, summoning some energy, and Garmadon put his hand down. 

"Save your energy. It's best not to draw attention. Come on. You too y/n." I smiled and followed. 

As we followed the symbols, Lloyd had a few questions. "You said before that Master Chen was your sensei, but nothing else." 

"Yeah, what gives?"

"Son, y/n, there are things in my past I am not proud of. Perhaps it's time you knew the truth." 

"Should I leave you two to talk about this in private? I kind of feel like this is too personal for me to listen in on." 

"I you don't mind. It'd be much appreciated y/n." Garmadon said, and I nodded. 

"Be safe you two. I'll come and find you if I find anything." 

"Y/n." Lloyd said. I turned, and he hugged me, and I leaned down. He left a peck on my cheek, and I smiled. 

"I'll see you soon Lloyd." With that we parted ways. 

Worst mistake of my life. 

Soon after, I got cornered by some cultists, and before I could fly away, they caught me in a vengestone net! I screeched and tried my best to get out, but they were already dragging me away. 

My only hope now is that Lloyd will come and save me. 

Please let it be soon. 

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