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We were up in Kai's room with the other masters, trying to figure out who the spy was. "Like I said, I ain't joining your little alliance. I'm gunning for that staff." 

"Hey, this isn't about an alliance. This is about finding out who is the spy. No one leaves this room until we find out who is passing information over to Chen." Garmadon blocked the door, while masters glared at one another. 

"Why you looking at me Greenie? I'm not your spy."

"Perhaps I can help." Neuro said, and started reading the minds of everyone here. "I don't know who, but someone here isn't who they say they are." 

"How do we know we can trust you? Maybe I should use your power and see inside your head."

"I'd like to see you try power hoarder." Skylor and neuro were about to get into a fight when Kai stepped in between, separating them. 

"This is what Chen wants, for us to fight. But we don't have to. There has to be a more civilized way around this." 

"There is." Garmadon spoke. "Everyone who's ever worked for Chen had the anacondrai tattoo on their back. Find the tattoo, find the spy." 

"Anyone object?" Nobody said anything. Neuro went first to show his back was blank. 

"Can I go now?"

"Not until we check everyone." Lloyd said. "Who's next?"

"Let's get it on." Turner said, showing he had nothing on his back either. I went next, showing I didn't have anything, which the people here already knew, but hey, can't hurt to confirm it. The ninja were after me, and soon enough there were only two left. 

"Well, only two left."

"I hate to do this, but its your turn. Can I see your back please?" 

"How could you not trust me? I came to you with the fortune cookie-" It's odd that she was so reactive to this. I kept a natural face as I thought. She could be it. I watched as her and Kai argued, and thought about it some more. There wasn't a way for me to conform it, cause she has the powers of the master of form, so it could be her. After all, she'd be most likely to be able to hide it. But what would she gain from it? The missing piece is the only thing keeping me from saying anything, so for now, I'll keep quiet. 

"Wait, where'd shadow go?" We looked around, and sure enough he was gone. 

"He disappeared through his own shadow!" 

"There he is! Get him!" 

"I ain't your spy, and I ain't your friend either! That staff will be mine." Lloyd sent an energy ball at him, which he dodged by disappearing. It did, however, knock the painting of Kai off the wall, and onto Jay. 

"Aah! My leg! Get Kai off me!" I rushed over to help, and used wind to levitate the painting, allowing him to crawl out while I hung it back up. While I was doing that, Shadow managed to get out. 

"It was shadow! He must be the spy!" Jay was all but crying from the pain, and Kai was trying to apologize. 

"Skylor, look, I'm sorry-"

"Don't. And if you still don't believe me, watch me walk out that door." She showed she had no tattoo, but I wasn't buying it. Something about it didn't sit right with me. 

"What happened to our alliance?"

"What alliance?" 

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