34 - Reveals

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I'm frozen while staring at Artemis, her body is littered with scars some from knives, belts, and probably so many more things, then she spins on the spot and moves her hair over her shoulder. Her back is covered in scars I recognise because they look almost identical to Sirius'. She's had it worse than him, I whisper in my mind knowing she didn't have a single escape unlike Pads,

"Who did that to you?" I growl my eyes looking up and down trying to memorise each one,

"Too many people to count," Artemis says anger seeping into her voice, "This is why I didn't trust you! This is why I don't let people know me! BECAUSE ANYONE WHO MET ME HATED ME!" She screams throwing her jumper back on and tying the jacket around her waist. There are tears down everyone's faces just from looking at her scars.

"How...why?" Lily chokes taking steps toward her,

"Because they could! Because I made the wrong meal! Because I had a small attitude! Because I said no to doing things things that were wrong! Because I was an inconvenience!" Tears are now falling from her eyes, streaming down her face. Lily makes the final few steps forward and brings Artemis into her embrace, the second she is in Lily's arms she is sobbing and holding onto her like she's going to disappear.

"Artemis you will never be an inconvenience, you are always welcome here," Lily whispers while stroking her hair, slowly Lily brings both her and Artemis to the floor and sits there. James and Harry quickly go and sit down beside them, whispering apologies.

"Are you just ... gonna stand there looking out of place?" Artemis jokes a sob still coming from her, slowly I make my way to the group and crouch down behind Artemis and pull her back to me and kiss her head like I used to when she was a baby.

"You are never going to be an inconvenience. Anyone is lucky to have you in their lives," I whisper sternly. Looking down at her I see more tears streaming down her face before she spins around and hugs me tightly. Now more tears are building up in my eyes as I hold my niece tightly for the first time in 12 years.


"Seriously you guys shouldn't come," Artemis hisses walking away from us,

"You said this is a dangerous place," James argues crossing his arms over his chest as Harry, James, Lily and I run to catch up with her,

"For you! I'm respected there!" She yells turning to us,

"We'll be fine," Harry shrugs with a smile and honestly looks excited to see her race,

"Right," She scoffs before walking into a garage at the bottom of an apartment complex,

"Do you live in one of the apartments up there?" Lily asks softly, Artemis looks at her and rolls her eyes,

"No, I don't live here," She answers confidently before pulling keys out of her boots, a nice-looking bike beeps before she puts the keys back in the boot.

"You park this here illegally! No, you ride this machine?!" Lily yells scoldingly, while Artemis unties her leather jacket and throws it on her handlebars before taking off her jumper and the glammed spell is back on, How is she doing it? I think to myself. She is now wearing a black tank top and puts the leather jacket back on, Artemis pulls up her seat and folds and places her jumper in there.

"Well nobody checks so it's fine," She shrugs and the bike rumbles to life, she places the helmet over her head and pulls out a picture, "Here this is the track there and I'll meet you there. Just. Don't. Go. In." She states firmly before kicking the standoff and speeding away,  I follow her with my eyes until I can't see her,

"This is not how I planned my afternoon going..." James says out of nowhere after we were standing there for a while. Me too, Prongs. Me too


Pulling up just outside the track I see Remus, Harry, Mum, and Dad all waiting looking kinda lost looking around for me. This is a bad idea, I sigh before putting my race face on and flick up the glass on my helmet. I slowly push the acceleration and my bike rumbles beneath me, they all notice me and I nod my head and they follow right behind my bike as we make our way down to the track slowly. The crowd hears a bike coming in and cheers and whistles are heard then they notice the group of four following me anxiously people start pointing and whispering. I'm not shocked since I built a good reputation for myself while I was here before school started and had my first race last Saturday night.

"Why is everyone looking at us?" Remus questions quietly and the others nod,

"I'm a popular racer here," I respond and flick the glass back over my eyes and scan over the groups of people here and spot Daniel Talyor, and Kent Freeman's parents. I make a mental note to talk to them, later before directing my group of wizards who are looking out of place to the bottoms of the stands. "Stay here and don't split up." I state firmly before quickly speeding up and parking in between Greg Taylor and Harry Freeman. They both turn to look at,

"Looky here little girls back again," Harry sneers and reves his bike,

"Looky here your kids are going to be in deep shit," I say with a sweet voice, looking directly at the track,

"What do you mean?" Greg says his voice cracking a bit in fear,

"They are going to be in deep shit if they keep messing with people at their school," I state not giving them the satisfaction of looking at them and a small smirk grows on my face at the idea of revenge for my brother. They clear their throats just as Jerry the announcer starts talking,

"On your marks," I flick my stand up and push myself as close as possible to the seat,

"Get set," I have warmed up my bike and am ready to shoot off,

"GO!" Cheers go round and I instantly shoot off. I stay in the top three for the first little bit since it's straight. When it starts getting windy I make sure I get the inside lane, and carve the tires of the bike into the ground, and lean down with the bike and I pull 5 meters ahead by the first 2 turns. The bike vibrates beneath me and it's comforting to feel the rumble and the wind on my body, I push the accelerator further, and the speed increases. I can see the finish line in the distance and continue to push the corners harder and harder. I focus on concentrating and not the adrenaline running through my veins, I can barely hear the crowd but it's there. The closer I get the louder the cheering becomes and the bigger my smile gets behind my mask. Right at the finish line I slam on the breaks and smirk at the gasps going around, I use my front brake, lean forward, and let my back wheel come up in the air and while the back end of the bike is in the air I lean to the left and the bike spins and my tire is over the line. The crowd is deafening, normally I don't pay attention but I find myself looking at the bottom of the bleaches. There they are. Mum is crying leaning on Dad, Dad is holding around her waist and cheering using his other hand to cup his mouth to make himself louder. Remus and Harry hugging each other and jumping up and down while spinning around and laughing. For the first time I actually take off my helmet while here, I hang it on my handlebar and smile widely at my family. For the first time, there is someone in the crowd I want to look for. The biggest smile is sitting on my face as I sit on my bike facing the crowd and waving.

A/N Almost a full fluffy chapter but any who. Hope you are enjoying the book don't be silent readers comment or vote :)


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