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𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐃 over Poseidon's domain. The nightlight casted a mysterious veil over the tranquil pond and sandy paths. As the moon rose high in the sky, its gentle glow illuminated the lively colours of the tropical plants, creating a heavenly ambiance.

The pleasant scent of the ocean breeze mingled with the night air, filling her senses with a sense of calm and wonder. Y/n then decided to wander further through the aquatic garden, using the soft moonlight as her source of guidance.


Finding a secluded spot near the other side of the pond, she sat down and let the serenity of the night wash over her. Oh how she wished she was able to take a picture of this unparalleled view with her eyes so that it would last forever in her vision. The pond shimmered under the moons reflection, it's surface mirroring the stars above. The young woman embraced the solitude, allowing herself to be carried away by the beauty of the night.

And so; under the watchful glaze of the moon and whispers of the sea, y/n found solace and inspiration in the gardens of the tyrant.

Though apparently, the moon wasn't the only one who was keeping a watch on her. Before she knew, her peace concluded the instant she heard the firm footsteps—which belonged to the one and only sea lord.

"It's grown fairly dark outside, would you not rather go back indoors?"

"I'll go in later, it's quite peaceful here"

The goddess responded before turning her attention back to the reflections of the pond.

Quite frankly, the sea god didn't like being denied. Things had always gone his way ever since he remembers, so getting briefly acknowledged or declined was not what he'd had in mind.

On one hand, the tyrant—to say the least—found this particular goddess to be very irritating as she seemed to pay no attention or any particular effort on him. On the other, her eccentric behaviour alongside her elegance was what differed from the few goddesses he had met previously, which was what had intrigued the sea god.

A few minutes had passed since she had last answered him, which confused her a little as she expected a witty reply from him or for him to walk away.

Curious, she turned around—only to find Poseidon stood there with his mouth slightly agape. From his view, it was as if the world had momentarily stopped for him as he was processing this bizarre situation that happened a few minutes ago. It stunned the sea lord, even with just a mere answer like that—no one has ever dared to "speak back" to him (besides his brothers, however, he did have his limits with them too—with Adamas being a prime example). This situation obviously wasn't near as bad but it still triggered him.

All whilst y/n hadn't took it as to nearly half that seriously.

"would you perhaps like to join me before you go?" The gentle goddess proposed before patting the empty space next to her, breaking the uncomfortable silence they were previously in.

In all honesty, the offer she had given him was solely out of politeness as she couldn't bare the silence. But to her surprise, she had not actually anticipated for the tyrant to comply and sit down next to her, leaving her to feel flummoxed.

"some fishes would really suit this pond," Y/n advocated as she glanced up at him before returning her gaze back to the reflections of the water.

The mighty Greek god of the sea sat down next to her without saying a word.


She silently observed the god; from his pearl white waistcoat which was decorated with intricate golden circular patterns and an azure-coloured top reminiscent of crashing waves, to his sharp piercing orbs that shimmered with a deep blue hue, reflecting his connection to the sea. The more y/n gazed, the more she realised how well-defined the sea gods facial features were—whilst his soft blonde hair flowed freely, cascading in waves around his face, resembling the currents of the ocean.

"Have you yet to complete your extensive observation of my presence?" Poseidon retorted, his eyes not once leaving the pond.

The unnerved woman was left relatively speechless as she hadn't realised how obvious she had previously made it. Y/n wished nothing more than to crawl into a small hole and to never be seen again. Perhaps to shrink herself enough to become invisible did not sound like such a bad either now in this current situation.

Poseidon was never going to admit this out loud but he had found her reaction to almost be amusing to witness, but was not able to pin point the exact suitable word he felt at that moment in time.


As her anxiousness slowly started to fade due to Poseidon not pushing into the topic further, her disquietude drifted away as it was soon replaced with perpetual sleepiness.

It became near to impossible to keep her head up anymore as her eyes began to strain to stay awake. There came a final point where y/n could no longer stay awake, her body falling languished.

In her unconscious state, the goddess began to fall to one side—her temple gently pressing against Poseidon's broad and sculpted shoulder. Poseidon's body stiffened as soon as he felt her presence, unused to such affectionate physical contact. His mind came to two conclusions, to either wake her up or to let her be.

Unforeseen, it had only took the tyrant a few seconds to decide on what to do next.

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