Becoming a Ninja

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You were currently in class reading a book when the sound of Iruka's voice got your attention. Looking up from your book you saw him yelling at Naruto who was tied up and sitting on the floor. "Now listen, Naruto. You failed the last graduation test and the one before that. This is no time to be goofing off, you fool!" Iruka yelled only for Naruto to turn his head away not caring at all, which only angered Iruka even more. "We will have a re-test on the Transformation Justu! Even those who already passed will take it!" Iruka yelled making everyone groan in annoyance. You recognized this as the first episode of the show. You clenched your fists. 'I can't fail the graduation test tomorrow.'

After easily transforming into a perfect replica of Iruka you moved to the back of the line and waited for class to be over. Over the two weeks you had been here you had been training none stop and your speed, strength, and endurance had increased. Which in turn increased your confidence in yourself as a soon to be Kunoichi. Not only that but your eating habits had gotten better! Sure, you still couldn't eat too much but you were making progress!

"Transform!" You turned to look at Naruto and blushed at what you saw. He had transformed into a naked adult female version of himself with smoke covering her private parts. You quickly turned your head away. 'Damn it, Naruto.' Iruka froze in shock before getting a nose bleed. Naruto then transformed back, laughing and pointing at Iruka's reaction. "How was it? I call it the Sexy Jutsu!" "You fool! Stop making idiotic spells!" Iruka screamed. You sighed this was going to be a long day.

You put the cleaning supplies away and started to walk out of the classroom. 'I'm getting pretty used to these weights. I'll change them out for some heavier ones after I pass tomorrow.'

The next day

"We are now about to begin the graduation test. When your name is called, proceed to the next classroon. The test is on Clone Jutsu." Iruka said. You were starting to get butterflies in your stomach. "Haruno Sakura!" You walked out and into the other classroom. 'Alright I got this!' You made a hand sign and created 3 perfect clones. "Good job Sakura! You passed!" Iruka said. You gave a deep bow "Thank you, Iruka-Sensei!" "I'm impressed! Not only are you extremely intelligent but you were easily able to create 3 perfect clones of yourself!" You blushed slightly at the praise. "T-Thank you Misuke-Sensei!" You beamed. You grabbed your forehead protector and walked out of the room with a pep in your step. "Now you finally have something to cover up that huge forehead of yours." The figure said but just ignored them. You were too happy for anything to bring you down.

Walking out of the school you saw a bunch of kids celebrating breaking with their parents. Looking around you didn't see your own but that was perfectly fine for you. You had been avoiding them as much as you could for the past 2 weeks after all. You started giggling to yourself in glee. "Cha! I can't believe I passed! Man! I'm so excited I could run around the Village 5 times in a row." 'Now I just need to get my picture taken.'

You gave your picture to the Hokage. "Haruno Sakura correct?" "Yes!" "Congratulations. I hope you grow into a fine Shinobi." He gave you a sweet smile. "A-About that Hokage-sama." "Hm?" You gave a deep bow. "I was hoping that you could get your student, Tsunade, to teach me." "Oh?" You gulped. "I know how hard it is to become one but I know I can do it! I'm very smart and have a great memory. Plus, I tried tree climbing and did it on the first try meaning proving that my Chakra control is better than average. So if you would, please ask Tsunade to teach me !" The Hokage barked out a laugh. "I see you're very passionate about this. Raise your head child." You leaned up and watched as the Hokage's face became serious. "I've seen your record and I know what you're capable of, but becoming a medical ninja is no easy task. It will take a lot of hard work and dedication to achieve." "I understand that Hokage-sama and I won't give up!"

He took a hit of his pipe and blew out some smoke. "I'm curious. What made you want to become a medical ninja?" "It's because I know what I'm good at." "Oh?" "I know that I'm not good at Taijutsu and that all I have is my intelligence. That's why I want to be able to support my teammates better." "Teammates huh? I'm sorry to break it to you but you aren't a Genin yet." "Huh?!" "Of the 27 graduates, only nine will be recognized as Genin Ninjas. The remaining eighteen will be sent back to the Academy." You sucked in a breath. "I understand but I will become Genin." "Your teammates will be Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke. All three of you will have to work together to pass. With that in mind do you still think you'll become Genin?" You paused before saying "I do!" The Hokage's eyes widened. "And why is that? Aren't you afraid that Naruto will hold the 2 of you back?" "I know that Naruto didn't pass the exam but you just called him my teammate. If he was able to impress you to the point where you would allow him to pass despite not being able to create 3 clones means that he's more capable than I originally thought. I know I can work well with both of them so I know we'll all pass and become Genin." "I see... But the future is not set in stone. Even if you do pass and become Genin I don't know if I can get you Tsunade as a teacher. I don't know where she is." "Oh..." "But! If you do pass I'll find someone to teach you." You couldn't keep the smile of your face. "Thank you Hokage-sama." You bowed one more time before leaving.

The Hokage took another hit of his pipe leaning back in his chair. 'It seems this generation is more interesting than I thought.'

What. The. Fuck. (Aka a person wakes up as Haruno Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now