The Land Where a Hero Once Lived

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You were currently on the bridge meditating while Tazuna and his workers worked on the bridge. "It looks like you've got some time to kill there all by yourself. What happened to the blond boy and that stuck-up boy?" Tazuna asked. "They're in the middle of the tree-climbing training." "You don't have to do that?" "I already completed it so Kakashi Sensei told me to guard you." "Really?" Tazuna said pissing you off a bit. "Yes really." A bridge builder walked up to Tazuna and said "You got a minute, Tazuna?" "Huh? What's up, Giichi?" "Uh, actually... I gave it a lot of thought. Building this bridge... will you let me quit?" Giichi asked. "Why so suddenly? Not you too?!" Tazuna yelled. "Tazuna, i've had a bond with you from the old days. I'd like to cooperate, but if we push too far, Geto will set his sights on us, too."

Tazuna just stared at Giichi causing him to add. "Also... if you get killed, everything is lost! Why don't you just stop building the bridge?" You watched invested in what was happening. "Not a chance... This is our bridge. This is the bridge that everyone in town has built beliving that it would generate distribution and transportation for this poor Land of Waves that has few resources." "But if it goes so far as to take our lives..." "It's already afternoon. Lets call it a day." Tazuna said as he walked past him. "Tazuna!" Giichi yelled out causing Tazuna to stop and turn to him. "Giichi... you don't have to come back tomorrow." Tazuna said before starting to walk away again.

Running up to Tazuna you quickly said "Tazuna! I can help you continue building the bridge if you wish." "Tch. What can one little girl do? Do you even know how bridges work or how to build one for that matter?" "No but...-You make several earth clones of yourself.-you do. So just tell us what to do and we'll do it." You say as your clones shouted in agreement. Sighing Tazuna said "Fine. I'll let you help but you better listen to every word I say got it!" "Yes sir!"

In the forest while the sunset.

"Damn it! What the heck is up with this?!" Naruto yelled as neither he or Sasuke could make it all the way up the tree. They both glared at eachother. 'I won't lose to you!' Naruto thought as he and Sasuke glared at each other. They both then ran up the trees.

At the same time in the town.

Both you and Tazuna were walking thought the Village as the sun beginning to set. "Hey Tazuna, where are we going?" You asked. "I was asked to get some ingredients for dinner on the way home." Tazuna responded. While walking a man was holding up a sign saying "WILL DO ANY KIND OF WORK" walked down the road. "Theif! Someone yelled as a little kid no older than 10 ran away. You could see two little kids lying on the side of the road. The kids were clearly malnourished and very dirty. You looked around with pitty in your eyes. You had never seen poverty in person like this.

"We're here" Tazuna informed you as the two of you walked in the shop. "Welcome..." The guy behind the counter mumbled. You looked around noticing that the shop was almost bare save for a few vegetables. 'There's hardly anything here...' You thought sadly as a grown man with a green coat and hat on walked behind you eyeing your bag while smirking. He then reached for it but accidentally touched your butt. You quickly spun around and kicked him where the sun don't shine yelling "You bitch!"

However because of your strength and that fact that you kick him in the balls he couldn't respond as he fell to his knees before passing out. The two of you then left the building. "Man, I was really surprised earlier." Tazuna spoke, sounding like he was holding back a laugh. You didn't respond as you glared at nothing, a pissed looked on your face. Just then you felt another hand on your butt. 'Again?!' You thought before spining around ready to punch the person before seeing that it was a child staring at you. "Huh? Uh do you need something?" You asked crunching down to his level. The kid held out their hads saying "Gimme some!" Taking in the kids appearance, the kid was in ragety old cloths and coverd in dirt. You couldn't help but feel bad for the kid so you unpacked a scroll before sumoning some dango out of it.

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