Chapter Fourteen - The Catch Up

Start from the beginning

"Am I wrong?" Daphne asked Luna who opened her mouth to answer, but Daphne spoke over her. "Why am I asking you, you are just as bloody bad."

Blaise grinned. "And damn proud," he said burying his face in Luna's neck making her giggle. "You do know that most of the hall is currently staring at you all," he gestured around the room. Sure enough most of the tables were leaning in whispering to each other but looking towards Harry, Draco and herself. It was daunting seeing all eyes on them.

"You get used to it," Harry said rubbing his neck but blushing. "They always stare." He turned to Hermione. "I can understand why you wanted to stay out of the spotlight. Avoid the papers and gossip columns. It must have been nice...quiet."

Hermione half smiled. "It was. I never got used to the faces always watching our every move. I hated that we couldn't even go to Diagon Alley without a swarm of photographers and fans always following us. It was no way to live. I hated it. But Ron loved it. He would take routes just so he passed them. It used to drive me mad. So I stayed out of the way."

"How?" Harry asked, genuinely interested. Like he had wanted to do the same himself. And he had. He was jealous that Hermione had managed to evade everyone.

Hermione shrugged. "I moved to a remote part of London. I quit my job and took up one where no one would know me. When I took the job, I told the company that I wanted to be anonymous. They gave me a tiny office on their floor so very few staff knew I worked there. They were great to me. I very rarely went into town or anywhere where I would be noticed. Blaise and Pansy did quite a bit for me if I needed anything. Draco too when we became friends." She leaned into Draco again. "When I was sick or injured he would bring his personal Healer to my flat to see me. When we went out for dinner, he would hire the whole venue for the evening so no one else were around us. But most of the time we stayed in."

"I was happy to stay indoors with this one. That way I didn't have to share her with anyone. I am not one for the nightlife." Draco shrugged.

"And no one ever found you? Recognised you?" Harry asked impressed she managed to stay hidden for so long.

"Well," she moved the plate in front of her to distract herself. "I may have used a spell to ensure people didn't recognise me."

"She is genius," Luna laughed. "She enchanted us both so that when we came across people, they would temporarily forget that we were a public figure or well known. They would forget she was a member of the Golden Trio and that I was their mental sidekick."

Harry was impressed. He leaned into her and whispered. "Do you think you could show me that enchantment?" Hermione chuckled and nodded. "I searched for you, you know? I hired a Freelance Auror to work with me to try to track you down."

"Oh I know you did," Hermione chuckled. "And he found me. Quite a few times, actually. I had to keep obliviating him each time. I wasn't sure if it was you or Ron looking for me, and I wasn't ready to see him." She sighed. "I'm sorry about that."

Harry shook his head. "I'm impressed he found you."

Hermione had loved spending time with Harry this evening. Filling him in on what he missed out and hearing all about his and Ginny's wedding, little James and the Weasley's and how they were doing. She couldn't believe that George was married to Angelina, and they had a little boy, Fred or that Bill and Fleur had Victoire, Dominique, and Louis Weasley.

"So Percy is engaged?" Hermione smiled. "To Penelope Clearwater?"

Harry laughed. "And Charlie is dating a girl as wild as he is. She is lovely, and we are all very fond of her, but she is like the female version of Charlie. Singed eyebrows and all."

Hermione was holding her stomach she was laughing that much. "Poor Mrs Weasley. Now she has two to worry about."

"She loves it," Harry assured her. "She loves having all her children married off with kids. Well most of them, Ron has been a bit of a handful."

Hermione cast her eyes over to Ron who was still staring at her. It was an eerie stare that sent chills through her body. "How has he been?"

Harry sighed and took another large drink. "When you left, he was a mess. He told us all that you broke his heart. He started drinking, and we let him, we thought he needed time to heal. But then, he lost his job and started gambling. He spiralled. Things got better when he married Susan for a few years. He started working for George and turned himself around. But he had an ego. He assumed that because he was part of the Trio that he deserved to be treated like a celebrity. He would go out partying every night, and sometimes he wouldn't come home."

Hermione bit her lip feeling bad. "More than once, he would disappear for a few days and then reappear smelling of perfume with lipstick all over him. Finally, Susan had enough and left him. Then, with her gone, he had no one to stop him, and he spent his days drinking, smoking and doing Merlin knows what." He looked to Hermione. "We have tried to help him many times, but he has now got better at hiding it. Molly and Arthur think he had turned things around and is working on himself. But he owes a lot of people a lot of money. Really dangerous people."

Even Draco felt bad at this point.

"But he got himself into this mess, and he needs to admit that he has hit rock bottom before he can accept help," Harry shrugged.

"It's can't be easy," Hermione said patting Harry's arm.

Harry looked up and smiled, placing his hand over Hermione's. She noticed the pain in his eyes and the wrinkles around his eyes. For being only 29 years old, Harry looked a lot older. He looked like he was tired and in need of a good night's sleep. "I have missed you Hermione," he said quietly. "It hasn't been the same without my sister around. Please don't run off again. Please tell me that you won't disappear?"

"She won't," Draco assured him. "She has missed you more than she will admit. There have been loads of times I was tempted to get in contact with you and arrange for you to come to the house to see her. But I knew she was liable to hex me if I did."

Hermione chuckled, knowing full well she would have, although she would have also been secretly glad that he did. "I had to leave to put myself first. But, I need my family around me. I've missed you too much. You are always welcome in my home anytime you wish." Harry gave a large yawn as Hermione checked Draco's watch. "Merlin it's after 11pm. You need to get some sleep Harry. You look exhausted."

Harry yawned again as Hermione stood up. "I am not that tired," he said although he had to admit he could feel his eyelids getting heavy.

Hermione shook her head. "Off to bed with you," she said gently pushing him towards the table behind them where his wife and brother-in-law were sitting.

"Still as bossy as you were at the Yule Ball I see," Harry chuckled as his feet moved on their own.

"You have no idea," Draco chuckled. "But bed does sound like a good idea," he pulled Hermione into him. "Tired my love?"

She nodded. "I am," she couldn't hide it. "What are we like, first night out without the kids and we are in bed before anyone else." She turned to Harry. "I will see you in the morning?" She asked him sounding hopeful.

"Of course you will," Harry smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Get this one to bed Draco."

Draco looked surprised at being called by his first name. Especially by the boy he practically tortured during their school years. But he smiled and nodded. "Will do. Goodnight...Harry." The couple then turned to their friends were all looked to be as tired and just as ready for their beds. No one even spoke as they headed out of the hall, Hermione was leaning up against Draco, snuggling into his chest like she did most nights.

Ron was bloody fuming. He couldn't beleive Hermione was here, looking bloody amazing and hanging off the arms off someone else. And Malfoy of all people. What was wrong with everyone? Why did they think this would be a good match? Why were they even allowed to get married? And he got Hermione pregnant? He felt like his future was ripped from him. Like Malfoy had stolen it.

And it didn't sit right with him. Not one little bit.

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