CH 22

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" address a pretty young bwoy as a swir?" Jungkook asked as he slowly freed himself from the hold and stood straight, trying his best to appear normal to the stranger but his lashes were still unstable, dripping down now and then.

"Um sir,I'm your new bodyguard. I guess you don't .....know me yet?" The tall male hesitatingly replied, scanning the boy he's burdened to protect.

He was told that his client is an innocent pure and elegent soul. But all he sees is a drunk teenager who can't even stand like a man , frequently tripping over and shamelessly carring a drunk smell all over him as he's heading to the garden.

The ebony orbs finally succeeded to widen as he gazed at the broad masculine figure at front of him. The immense tall and buffed up body, pumped chest and ripped arms. He lifted up his eyes to get the upper view and was bewildered at the hair of the elder male....he has scarlet hair.

"Ugh I wanted a human bodyguard!!" The boy said as he loosened his grip on knees and was about to sit on the stairs but again...the scarlet haired picked him up.

'What's wrong with this Palace?' The guard thought.' Why can't anyone see me as a human? Do I really look that weird? And this spoiled brat? I have to deal with a drunk? Seriously? I'm not getting paid for this!'

"For your kind information sir, I'm a human."he said as he painted a cheeky smile while all he wanted was to fucking sleep at this late hour.

"But you still look like a vampire!" The boy declared as he grabbed some strands of those scarlet hair and pulled making its owner whimper in pain who immediately bent down and Koo grabbed the chance to climb on the elder's back.

"Ahh si..sir!" The elder enlarges his pupils unable to consume the sudden actions of the drunk younger.

"Now my bwodyguard,carry me the gwarden..." His client ordered drifting off his heavy head on the elder's nape in dizziness.

The guard knows well...any demand of the client must be fulfilled. Specially as someone who had always been a cream of the top, selected among 2500 worthy agents to serve the Country's President when he was only 25....he never takes anything unofficial in his working hours.

But the Baby Highness doesn't seem to have tint of decency in him....right? Jumping on an unknown male's back and urging him to give a piggy back ride?

"Hey....gwarden!" The boy tightened his grip on the scarlet haired male's neck.... suffocating him.

"Ah...ah..yes sir... go..going."a soft irritated voice came in reply.

There's an eerie calmness in every corner of the depth of the giant greenhouse as soft soothing breeze blew the soft twitching leaves of the emerald trees and a dark jet black sky engulfing the scene as time passed. Millions of stars blinked at the two males sitting on the grass decorating the ebony necklace of horizon with diamonds.

The full moon slightly hidden behind a fluffy curtain of cloud decided to enlighten the dark surrounding a little ~ giving a little clear vision of the two beings stuck there, one who just wants to enjoy the moon and the other who's sleepy but duty bound.


The guard was observing the younger's gestures with sharp eyes since they arrived the,he's convinced as he listened the tone of the question~the boy is a bit stable now.

"J hope Sir." The male formally replied after cleaning his throat.

"Ah... Not the code name ...I mean your original name?"

"Sorry sir,we ain't allowed to reveal a..."

"Stop calling me a sir! Just call me Jungkook." The boy softly pushed his hands forward, excitement filled in his voice.

Baby • Highness [BTS ×Jk]✓Where stories live. Discover now