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"...so he told me to guess. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GUESS YUNHO??"

Seonghwa plopped on the couch after getting snacks from his kitchen and looked at a laughing Yunho with an annoyed expression.

"well, if he's bored i can see why he did that but it's funny! And don't look at me like that Hwa"

Said Yunho opening a bag of chips he just took from the coffee table in front of the couch.

"yeah but there are at least 20 guys in that class. And what do I know about him?"

He paused just sit back up.

"that he's a guy, that he's annoying, that his friend has a boyfriend and that he takes biology with us"

He took the bag of chips from Yunho's hands earning an annoyed "hey!" from the other male.

"I hate this shit"

Yunho sighed before wrapping an arm on the older's shoulders.

"stop thinking about this guy. Instead, are you finally talking to Hongjoong tomorrow?"

Yunho grinned as Seonghwa's eyes widened as he choked on a chip.

"Are you kidding?? I'm not brave enough to even be near him, let alone talk to him!!"

He replied after recomposing himself.

Yunho scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"c'mon you've been liking him for a year already and you've never talked to him once"

"I did once, he returned the pen i lost"

"that doesn't count Seonghwa"

Seonghwa shrugged and his bestfriend chuckled as he knew he won this argoment.

The two boys spent the rest of the night talking about everything that came into their heads until it was too late and Yunho had to go home.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school?"

"yeah, see you"

Seonghwa closed the door and let out a loud sigh he didn't know he had been holding.

"I know I shoukd talk to him but I just... can't. What if he finds me annoying? What if he's homophobic? What if he hates me once I talk to him? Yeah, no, not happening."

Seonghwa dragged himself to his bedroom before plopping on his bed and falling in a peaceful sleep.

a/n: I don't like written chapters

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