722 26 15

"Will you let me become that luckiest person in the world?"

Seonghwa's eyes widened.

Did he hear that correctly? Did the Kim Hongjoong just ask him to be his boyfriend? Did he just misunderstand his words?

"what... what do you mean by that?"

Hongjoong not once broke the eye contact between them as Seonghwa nervously started fidgeting with his fingers.

"Will you be my boyfriend Seonghwa?"

So it was true. He really was asking him to be his boyfriend. He liked him too. Or maybe he didn't and he was just playing with his feelings? No, Hongjoong wouldn't do that, would he?

"Is this a dream? Are you a robot? An alien that took Hongjoong's place? Or are you just messing with me? Please don't mess with me I wouldn't be able to handle it if-"

"I'm serious"

Silence again.

"Seonghwa I haven't known you for long but I know I have feelings for you. I don't know if it will last but I want to give you -no, us- a chance. Would you be willing to... try?"

Seonghwa couldn't bring himself to answer. Oh how many times he had dreamt of this moment. He never thought it would become real one day.

He just stared at the black haired male in front of him with wide -and slightly lucid- eyes, unable to form a sentence.

Hongjoong expectant gaze was fixed on him as he waited for an answer, hopefully a positive one, but it seemed like Seonghwa's vocal cords were frozen.

They remained like that for quite a while, just staring in each other's eyes. The only sounds that could be heard  were the little tick tock from  Seonghwa's clock -hanged above his door- and their breathing.

Until Hongjoong stood up.

"I'm sorry I asked. I... uhm... I'm gonna go"


Hongjoong froze in the spot as his arm was held back from his sweather sleeve.


He sat back down beside the older, waiting for him to say something -anything.


He nodded his head to show that he was listening.

"...I would love to give us a chance"

Seonghwa didn't know how he got the courage to say those words, but he felt extremely grateful for whatever pushed him to say them once he took in the relieved and cheeky smile Hongjoong gave him right after.

This is all he could have ever asked for.

[a/n: eeehhh this does seem like an ending so I'll ask. Should I end it here or should I continue the book and add some angts?
Love you<3]

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