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dear whoever-found-this-note, 

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dear whoever-found-this-note, 

now, i know you might be surprised to find a note wedged in between the pages of the library's copy of jane eyre, that you have borrowed. you were just someone who was looking to read this classic perhaps for the reading club or whatever other reason. but here is a note. a note written in a horrible handwriting that you have to squint your eyes to read. you might wonder if it was worth the effort of squinting your eyes and reading this note.

what note is this anyway?

feel free to place the note back in between the pages of the book and continue reading.

oh, you're still here, reading this note? cool. let me explain. 

here's the deal, i'm a huge book lover. when i was a student in this school, my hideout was this library. i was here most of the time, whenever i got the opportunity. usually, i was alone. not many kids like reading physical books these day, given the popularity of kindle and their mobile phones.

so, i enjoyed my solitude and cooped up here, during breaks. until one day.

this guy (a cricket jock) suddenly crashed into the little world i had created for myself. how'd it go, you ask? or you might not be asking. i don't know. but i'll still explain.

it was a bright summer day. the usual sounds of insects that seemed to ring in your ears, the bright blue sky, the lazy breeze. that kind of a summer day.

i was seated directly below the aisle you found this copy of jane eyre, on the floor. i had been peering quite closely at the words, for a long time. i looked up when my neck hurt and glanced around, exercising it.

that's when i saw him. the cricket jock.

he was right there, reading anna karenina.

would you believe that? a jock reading karenina? i, as a book lover myself, found it pretty difficult to read the book, purely because of it's pace and the length of the book.

and here was this guy.

i snickered to myself. just who was he trying to impress?

if you're waiting for an answer to the question, reader, continue waiting for a little while longer.

the next day, i saw him at the same spot.

this time, he was reading emma by jane austen.

that's one of my favourite classics, reader. anyone who read jane austen impressed me. 

but this was a jock. isn't there that social divide between book nerds and jocks? something like jocks not coming near a book nerd's world?

well, this guy was breaching the law. 

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