Chapter six

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Jordin backed away, once again coming into contact with the wooden bench. She couldn't look away from the menacing glint in this boy's eyes. The world seemed to move in slow motion as he neared, until suddenly, with a simple flick, the work started moving again and everything was thrown back into perspective.

Jordin in the middle of the markets, backed into a corner.

Cameron standing nearby, his face distorted in worry.

A crowd full of innocent people going about their business like this was any other day.

And an unknown draugr in the middle of the streets.

A draugr. A goddamn draugr . . .

Jordin surged into motion, her mind as frantic as her beating heart. Oh shit . . .

Without so much as a glance at Cameron, Jordin took off. Speeding back the way she came, she ignored Cameron's attempt to regain her attention. Nothing else mattered right now. Escape. Hide.

Jordin broke through the crowd of the market, ran across the street, flinching as cars skittered to an abrupt hold, followed by rude words being hollowed out windows and the blaring of horns.

But she didn't stop. If she was hit by a car, then so be it. A hit and run would be more preferred than a second alone with the handsome stranger – the draugr – she knew was on her trail.

She could sense him. Darkness surrounded him like a plague. So much pain. Her stomach rolled as his strong aura washed over her. Her legs faltered and she fought the urge to vomit. She's never felt such darkness before.

Without looking, Jordin knew he was only paces behind. He was quickly gaining speed. Jordin resisted the urge to unload her hidden speed and tear off out of town, but she couldn't. not in the middle of the streets. Out here, with witnesses nearby, she couldn't use her draugr abilities. She was known as a thunderbird. Thunderbirds didn't have insane speed.

The desire to remain hidden, a secret, put her at a great disadvantage against this newcomer. He was new to town, he wouldn't care if he was outed as a draugr. He had no ties to this town. Nothing to stay for. Jordin did. She had friends. Family. A home. A life in this town.

That life is over . . .

Jordin wildly shook that thought from her mind. No. It couldn't be. She felt tears weld in her eyes as wind blasted into her face. She rounded a corner too fast and skittered in her haste to regain herself. That second alone gave the draugr enough time to reach out. Jordin quickly straightened herself, but she felt his fingers brush her clothing.

He was so goddamn close.

She didn't know where to go. Home?

Hell no.

Jordin couldn't lead this guy back home. To her mum and sister. Cameron's aunt. They'd all be sitting targets. Because of her.

Jordin squeezed her eyes shut and blindly leaped over a trashcan she knew was in her path. Even blinded, the world seemed to be in super focus. She could feel eyes on her now. Not the draugr either. She had drawn attention.

God dammit.

She had to get off the main streets. Where there were no more witnesses. No more reason to hide herself. Where it'd be a fair fight. She might just stand a chance.

Jordin looked around for an escape. Tall apartment blocks surrounded her now. She had gone too far west for her liking. This part of town was filled with college students and young couples.

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