Chapter nine

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When the draugr smiled again, pushing off from the tree he was casually leaning again, Jordin's mind went blank. She couldn't help it. She froze. Seized up. Kinda pathetic, right?

But then again, was it really?

Despite spending the better part of eight-odd years a draugr, Jordin has never seen another draugr outside of her own reflection. And now, only feet away, was a creature she's feared half her life.

So when the draugr swung at Jordin, she was wildly unprepared for it. The burns caused by Cameron had nothing on an attack from another draugr. Despite all of Jordin's strength and speed, she was easily tossed to the side. Like she was nothing. Just a weak, pathetic child. Unable to protect herself.

Jordin landed in a painful heap, gasping for air as her lungs ached from the impact. Although Jordin had the same abilities and powers of this draugr, she's spent her entire life hiding it. Barely using her powers. But this guy, somehow, she doubted he went in the same direction.

He knew exactly what he was doing. He had utmost control over himself. His speed. Strength. He was in him prime. And Jordin, well, she wasn't.

Jordin pushed herself away from the ground. "You . . . I . . . You should be dead."

He paused. Something weird happened then. He looked almost – sad. The moment quickly passed, before he was back to his callous self. "I am dead."

Jordin resisted the urge to roll her eyes at him. He answered nothing. What she really wanted to do was shut her mouth, take off and never stop running, but taking off from a draugr would be harder to do than anything else she's done before. Instead, for the moment, she kept talking. Just trying to buy herself a little more time.

"I killed you," she stressed. "Why aren't you dead?"

The guy chuckled. He actually looked amused. "You don't have what it takes to kill me, sweetheart."

Jordin narrowed her eyes. "And yet, you are the one who ended with a broken neck."

"True. I'd admit it. I underestimated you." His eyes racked up her body. Jordin shivered under his eyes. She hated the way he made her feel. "I didn't expect that from you."

"They never do," she murmured as he reached out for her again. This time, she was ready. Kind of. She dodged to the side, her movements slow and sluggish. She ducked as he swung at her again.

Scampering along the ground, her wild eyes looked for a way out. She didn't really find one, but after a quick sweep of the surrounding, her eyes landed on her discarded and slightly singed backpack. No thanks to Cameron's lightning, but it remained in one piece.

Jordin didn't hesitate as she fled to her backpack. She didn't really know what she was about to do, but she felt slightly more confident as she pulled her pocketknife from her backpack. Her fingers wrapped around the handle. Finally, a weapon. A pathetic weapon, but a weapon, nonetheless.

The draugr's fingers grasped her shoulders. Jordin spun towards him and without thinking more about it, she swung her arm at him, the blade catching him across the cheek.

He swore as his flesh parted and blood oozed free. His angry eyes were on her again.

Then his eyes widened as the knife was plunge into his stomach. Jordin grasped his side, ignoring his blood that coated her fingers, and she tossed him aside. She was surprised at how far he sailed before his roughly collided with a tree. He was too, judging from his face.

Jordin was already quickly backing away. Before the guy could compose himself again, Jordin acted. She ran. Cowardly, but what other choice did she have?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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