The Garden

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"Spirits will always get their revenge..."

Stepping out the door and gently shutting it, I strutted down the steps to the sidewalk below. The night sent chills down my back as I made my way home. As I adjusted my leather jacket to better keep me warm, I smile to myself, happy to be out of that place for good. Like a weight being lifted off my shoulders.

It was time to move on without people like him.

A sexist egotistical little man. My feelings, goals, even my dreams meant nothing to him. He didn't care for me, never did. He was only after what I and others would offer.

I didn't have proof, but I could tell. His smiles and phone usage revealed his longing for another. Like everyone else, never content.

Didn't matter now. I'm my own person. One day I'll find someone else who treats me right. Until then, I'll embrace the single life.

The walk home from his place never changed until today. I felt a detour would complement the recent breakup. A trip through the town's garden would do.

On my way, I walk past a man in his mid forties. His hair was long, black, and styled in a spiky fashion, complementing his chiseled jawline. He smiled at me with his dark brown eyes, his smile showing perfect white teeth.

I smiled back, doing my best to look interested, but not too interested.

The man stopped to introduce himself. "Hello miss, names Brandon. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasures all mine," I replied, taking in more than just his face. I didn't care if he saw anymore, I wanted him to know.

The man chuckled softly, "May I ask you to have a cup of coffee with me tomorrow morning, miss?"

"Angelica," I said, "And you may."

We exchanged phone numbers with his promise to message me as soon as he got home. After his departure, I continued on my journey to the garden, butterflies fluttering inside.

Approaching the town's garden, I stopped at the closed gate. I was fortunate the gate was still unlocked. It appeared to be just me here. Squinting inside, I could see a rainbow of flowers surrounding the area. The rose, my preferred type, was on the right side.

Opening the creaking gate, I stepped inside, immediately bombarded with a multitude of aromas. A fountain sat in the center of the garden, several layers tall, with lights for each section. Water spouted out of the top and cascaded down the sides of each layer.

Stepping up to it, I tossed a penny into the bottom layer, making a wish. Maybe there were superstitious reasons for it, but I liked to pretend that my wish would come true one day.

Growing bored, I skipped on the rocky pathways that branched in many directions, targeting the roses to the right of the entrance. I savored the moment, admiring the flowers and walking through the paths.

That's when I noticed the statues around. A couple stood nearby while another pair stood on the other side of the garden. Each held a different pose, most of which one would assume meant peace and harmony. I stared in awe at them, their perfect marble cuts forming semi-realistic masterpieces.

The only part that threw me off were the faces. Rather, lack of faces. Instead, it was an empty smooth surface from which desperately begged for detail. All the statues looked towards the sky, but staring at nothing since none could stare.

Pulling my attention away from the statues, I frolicked through the garden some more, opting to not take the paths but through the dirt where the flowers grew. It was against the rules, but mostly unnoticed at night.

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