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"Don't let him in..."

"Merry Christmas, son," said my dad, "We hope you like it."

I eagerly grabbed the present and ripped the paper off, paying no mind to the shreds of paper flying everywhere. My eyes beamed at what laid inside. The number one thing I've wanted over the past year.

The new VR headset from Reality Shift!

Their latest edition that they claimed made vast improvements for a more realistic feel. Beyond that, Reality Shift implemented an augmented reality feature. It allowed the user to utilize their surrounding environment in certain games.

"Thank you so much!" I said, excitedly. "This is the best gift ever!"

My mom giggled. "You are very welcome. Though I see two more presents under the tree."

I ripped open the final two with the same enthusiasm as before. Although my mind couldn't stop thinking about the headset, I didn't want to seem ungrateful for other gifts.

In my excitement, I completely forgot the headset required games to play. I was excited to see that the last two presents were headset games. Of course, regular games could use the headset if they supported virtual reality, but these games were specifically designed for the augmented reality part.

The first one looked like a tower defense game. The other one caught my attention much more.

Find Me: Hide N Seek, a horror game of finding Creep, an exceptionally tall and slender man in a tan suit with a permanent smile plastered on his face. Even looking at the box gave me chills. I reconsidered playing, but the adrenaline rush was too tempting.

"Thanks mom and dad!" I said happily.

"You are very welcome, sweetie," replied my mom. "Go play now if you want." I hugged my parents as they left the living room to start on breakfast.

Opening the box, I gazed at the beauty that was the VR headset. The light shined off its black casing that read Reality Shift across it. I carefully unboxed the headset and turned it on to test. Lights danced around the sides of the visor before resting on the color red.

Despite the low battery, I hoped it would work for a short while. Putting the horror game into the top of the visor, I placed the headset over my eyes, adjusting it to my head. The view port opened up to show my house with a darker tint. Already it felt more sinister in my own home.

I looked around and shrieked when I saw the Creep standing right behind me, beaming at me with his giant mouth and big wide blue eyes. He hunched over, unable to fully stand up in the room. He fixed his gaze on me for a few seconds.

"Wanna play?" he whispered. It sounded like he had saliva stuck in his throat as he talked. I could feel the goosebumps forming on my arms, much to my excitement.

"Are you okay?" shouted my mom from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" I called back, "Sorry!"

Upon starting the game, the Creep sneered and quickly left the room. The screen went dark with a timer popping up. The counter ticked down from ten while I stood in pure darkness. Once the timer reached zero, I could see again. I peered around the living room, seeing nothing changed.

Moving around the room, I heard unsettling whispers and creaks in the headphones attached to the VR headset. It caused me to whip around at any noise I heard. Something about hearing it in my own home made everything much more real.

Hearing the whispering coming from the kitchen, I gradually make my way there, taking each step slowly. A hiss greeted me on arrival.


I spun towards the hiss, only to catch the foot of the Creep leaving the kitchen. My chest tightened and I could feel my heart beat harder. I followed him and saw his face across the living room in the hallway.

I removed the headset to check the hallway. I'm not sure why I did that. The Creep wasn't there as he shouldn't be, but I still breathed a sigh of relief.

Putting the headset back on, the Creep was gone. I moved toward the hallway and peered down it. Seeing nothing, I walked further down. The visor's filters dimly lit the hallway, creating a scarier atmosphere.

There were whispers once more, this time in my room. I moved over to my slightly closed door. I couldn't remember leaving it ajar like that. Pushing it open slowly, I peered inside but saw nothing.

I walked in and looked around. His snicker echoed around my room, sending more chills down my body. I kept my hands on the visor, anticipating a jump scare at any moment.

I couldn't see the Creep but it felt like he was staring at me. I looked at my closet, wondering if it was possible for him to be hiding in there. Reaching for it, I opened it up swiftly to reveal nothing but my clothes.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I turned around to my bed, considering for a moment, then stared at the floor. Slowly, I crouched down and got on my hands and knees. I breathed in and peaked under my bed to see the Creep contorted underneath with his face looking at me from the darkness. His smile and eyes were wide with excitement. His chest heaved rapidly.

Jumping back and falling over, I screamed, watching him laugh manically. I threw the headset off, revealing nothing was under the bed. I could still hear his voice in the headphones that laid next to me.

"You found me," he said. "Now I must find you!"

I picked up the headset and shut the power off. I've had my fill of that game today. To help calm my nerves, I sat down at my computer to play a multiplayer game that had nothing to do with scares.

Later that night, I wished my parents a goodnight and went to burrow under the covers. I hadn't used a nightlight in a long time, but considering what I witnessed today, I decided it was appropriate. Feeling safe and comfortable, I drifted off to sleep.

A loud bang woke me up only moments later. I sat up straight and combed around my room for any kind of disturbance. Seeing nothing, I laid back down but kept my eyes open. My nightlight sputtered, and I felt frozen in my bed. The light went out, and darkness swallowed me.

I felt my heart beating out of my chest as I stared into the darkness. I couldn't think straight, my head swirling, waiting for whatever was to happen next to occur. When I tried to speak, I couldn't find my voice.

I soft giggle came from my left and I twisted around to see nothing but black. Then a voice spoke that gave me a chill down my spine.

"I found you."

A small flame ignited in front of my bed. There, hunched over, was the Creep, staring at me with its giant smile and wide white eyes. It opened its mouth, showing rows of razor-sharp teeth as it let out a deep howl before darting across the bed at me.

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And finally, have a wonderful day! 

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