The Hunter

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"Not always what you think..."

There couldn't be anything worse than airport security. So many rules to be followed, or they'd pull you aside for a more personal and uncomfortable search. It seemed to happen to me often, and sometimes I'm not sure why they felt the need.

Of course, all the security meant less terrorist threats. It kept America safe. It also kept me late for my meeting.

Derek Nam, CIA agent tasked with finding and stopping terrorist threats. Ironic that I complain about security.

My current mission was to monitor the terrorist organization known as Cracked Wall, which is believed to have dealings with a man named Charles Duboro. Mr. Duboro supposedly has helped Cracked Wall hijack planes through alternative means.

Through extensive investigation, Cracked Wall created technology able to control a plane remotely by the use of a smartphone. That technology in the hands of a large terrorist organization would have catastrophic consequences. It was almost fascinating in a twisted way.

Mr. Duboro was supposed to be catching a flight out of the United States to Australia soon, the origin of the Cracked Wall. My job was to intercept him for questioning. Reveal his true identity. Investigate the Cracked Wall leaders and their intentions. It was the usual interrogation, but hopefully one that would get me one step closer.

Once security finally granted my leave, I walked towards gate D5. The airport was crowded per usual, so locating a man could prove difficult. Once at gate D5, I sat in a chair overlooking the main hallway to all the other gates. The buttoned-up beach shirt and blue jeans I could wear for this assignment made me more relaxed, and the tourist part fit the disguise well. The complimentary suitcase was a nice touch.

Twenty minutes after sitting down, I spotted Mr. Duboro taking a seat several rows over. Checking my watch, the plane took off in about 30 minutes. It gave me plenty of time.

Getting out of my chair and taking my suitcase with me, I strolled over to Mr. Duboro. He wore ripped jeans with a long sleeve shirt, not my style, but it looked nice on him. His black hair was made into a ponytail and he had on dark shades. I almost didn't recognize him because of the shades.

Mr. Duboro looked up at me as I approached, covering his phone simultaneously.

"Sir, may I speak with you real quick?" I asked him.

"Who are you?" Mr. Duboro asked. I could tell he was a smoker.

I showed him my CIA I.D., "Please sir, follow me."

Mr. Duboro hesitated for a moment as he studied me. Then he grabbed his suitcase and stood up, gesturing for me to lead the way. I led him back to the security checkpoint where I showed the guards my I.D. as well. They set us up with one of their office rooms.

After Mr. Duboro walked inside, I nodded to the two guards who accompanied us.

"Wait outside," I told them. "I can handle this."

They nodded and stood guard as I closed the door. In the corner of the room was a camera aimed at Mr. Duboro. I strolled over and grabbed the wire as I looked at him. Yanking it out of the wall didn't faze the man and I respected him for it.

"We don't need nosey guards listening to our conversation," I said as I sat on the opposite side of the table to Mr. Duboro.

"So what does the CIA need me for?" he asked, glancing up at the disabled camera again. Maybe it bothered him more than he let on.

"You tell me," I replied as I sat back with my legs up, "Why were you going to Australia?"

"To visit family," he said. He eyed me warily. It became a little unnerving being stared down by him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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